Chapter 3: The New Girl

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Southwest Alaska

Godzilla and Baragon found themselves in a forest in the southwest part of Alaska after arriving there not a few minutes ago. Manda flew in and joined them shortly after. It was a little bit cold, but luckily they all had pretty strong tolerances for low temperatures.
"So who exactly is this other guy we're looking for?" Godzilla asked.
"Well, she's been fighting low-priority kaiju for a while now. She tends to keep a low profile." Baragon explained. "She works more as a mercenary nowadays."
"She?" Godzilla asked. Baragon had not mentioned that their target was female. Not that it was a problem, he just didn't know. Eventually they had arrived at a small wooden cabin in the middle of the forest. It looked as if it were built by hand.
"We're here." Baragon said. He knocked on the door. After a few moments, it opened, revealing a girl standing in the doorframe. She was tall, almost as tall as Godzilla, with brown pants and combat boots, with a lighter brown short-sleeved jacket over a high-cut black sleeveless shirt. Her hair was a dark brown, with parted bangs and a ponytail. She looked tired, and yawned slightly as she opened the door.
"Oh, hey, Baragon. What's up?" She said. She looked up at Godzilla and Manda. "Who're they?"
"Komodithrax, I'd like to introduce you to Godzilla and Manda." Baragon said. Godzilla motioned to shake her hand.
"It's nice to meet you, Komodithrax." He said. "Am I getting the name right?"
"Yeah, but just Komi is fine." She said, shaking his hand. "Komodithrax is a bit of a mouthful, isn't it?" After shaking Godzilla's hand, she moved her hand to shake Manda's, but he made no move to return the gesture. He just nodded once.
"Okay then..." She said. She returned her attention back to Baragon.
"So Baragon, what are you doing back here?" She asked, yawning again.
"We need your help with something." Baragon explained. "Do you know who Bagan is?"
Komodithrax shook her head. "Nope, sorry." She said. Godzilla was about to answer her, but Manda spoke first, much to Godzilla's annoyance.
"He's an ancient evil deity who escaped recently from a volcano." Manda explained.
"There's a little bit more to it than that." Godzilla said, briefly glaring at Manda before stepping on front of him. "We've been getting attacked by strange beings who come out of meteors. We don't think Bagan is working alone this time, but we have no idea who he'd be working with."
Komodithrax nodded understandingly, not at all reacting the way they thought she would.
"So you need my help fighting this Bagan guy?" She asked. "Hm... yeah, I could probably do that. Just give me a sec." She left for a short bit, and then came back with a large cloth duffel bag swung over her shoulder. "I just needed to grab some extra weapons, just in case." She explained.
"Great. Our boat is docked about a mile from here." Godzilla explained.
Komodithrax nodded again and followed Godzilla and Baragon, while Manda flew overhead. As they were walking, Godzilla took the opportunity to talk to Baragon about his Komi. He had some doubts about her abilities.
"Are you sure that Komi is right for this?" He asked. "She's nice and all, but she doesn't seem to take anything very seriously."
"Believe me, she'll be a big help." Baragon explained. "True, she's a little scatterbrained, but she can be pretty bad ass when she needs to be."
Komodithrax laughed behind them. She had her arms behind her head as she walked.
"Please. I'm always bad ass." She said.
Eventually, they all reached the boat and sped off back to Monster Island. Manda was flying overhead. At the speed they were going, they would be there by nightfall.
"It's starting to get dark." Godzilla pointed out. "We should hurry. I don't know how things are going back at the island."
Manda heard him say this. He sensed something in Godzilla's voice. It sounded a bit like worry, even concern. He lowered himself to beside the boat, next to where Godzilla was sitting. He still continued flying, matching the speed of the boat.
"You seem very enthusiastic to get back to your little island." Manda said, raising an eyebrow. "Perhaps you're worried about something?"
"Yeah, my army was fighting a horde of alien creatures when I left." Godzilla explained sternly. "Why wouldn't I be worried?"
"Oh, I think it's more than that." Manda said. "You want to get back to the island for a very specific reason, don't you?" Baragon and Komodithrax had turned their attentions to Godzilla now. He sighed, knowing there was no way to dodge the question.
"Alright, fine." Godzilla gave in. "Me and Mothra are... together. We have been for a few days now, and I'm worried that she might be in danger."
Manda chuckled, causing Godzilla to glare at him. "What's so funny?" He asked.
"Oh, nothing. I was only wondering what you could possibly see in each other." Manda explained. "I mean, you're a nuclear-powered barbarian, and she's a literal goddess. You're on opposite ends of the personality spectrum."
Saying this only made Godzilla even more agitated and angry towards Manda. "What does my relationship with Mothra have to do with anything?" He asked.
"Nothing. I just wanted to know." Manda answered. With another chuckle, he flew upwards, raising his altitude to high above the boat. Godzilla kept glaring at him.
"I don't like him." He said through clenched teeth.
"Don't worry about it, he just likes giving you a hard time." Baragon assured. "To be honest though, I never would have predicted you and Mothra being together."
"Personally, I think it's sweet." Komodithrax said. "You're just worried about the one you love. There's nothing wrong with that. In fact, it's pretty normal." This made Godzilla feel a little bit better, both about his current situation, and also about having Komodithrax on their team.
"Anyway, if we hurry, we should be at the island in less than a few hours, if that makes you feel any better." Baragon explained. Godzilla nodded as they sped off towards Japan.

Monster Island

Varan lead Rodan and Anguirus to another meteor he had found in the forest. This one wasn't the same was the others. In fact, it wasn't really a meteor at all. It was a large metal ball, about the size of a basketball.
"So why did you specifically need us to come see this?" Rodan asked.
"Because it has your names on it." Varan said. It was true. The metal ball had a deep line engraved down the middle, making it look as if it was sliced in two halves. Each half had a black label on it. One label had Anguirus' name written on it, and the other had Rodan's name.
"That's odd." Anguirus said, raising an eyebrow. "Think it came from the same place as the creatures?"
"Maybe." Varan said. Rodan picked up a long stick and gently poked the ball. It did nothing. He swiftly whacked the ball with the stick, and still nothing. It didn't even roll. Obviously, it was very heavy.
"I think it's safe." He said.
He reached down to touch it by hand. As soon as his fingers touched it, the orb emitted a hissing sound and several jets of steam out of the engraved line. He quickly pulled his hand away and backed away from the ball.
"Maybe not." He said.
Each of the three pulled out their weapons, ready to defend if necessary. The two halves of the ball fell apart, revealing the insides. Each side had a black material inside, most likely covering whatever internal workings it had. The black material had indentations where small glass tubes with metal on each side and on the top and bottom rested.
"What are those things?" Rodan asked.
"I don't know..." Anguirus asked.
Suddenly, the two glass tubes sprouted dragonfly-like wings and flew out of their containers. Long thin needles extended from the bottoms of the tube, aimed at Anguirus and Rodan. They resembled syringes, but slightly larger. One of them flew at Rodan, and the other did the same at Anguirus. Rodan tried to dodge, but the needle seemingly tracked his movements and stuck itself deep into his arm.
"Ow, dammit!" He said. He attempted to pull the syringe out, but it had locked into his skin with tiny metal claws. The other syringe was gunning for Anguirus. He tried hitting it with his hammer, but it dodged all his attacks, moving around like a hummingbird. Eventually, it shot straight at him, hitting him in the leg. He hissed in pain as it dug its own claws into his skin. With both syringes locked in, they began to activate, draining blood from their current hosts. After about 10 seconds of blood draining, the needles retracted and detached, spreading their wings again. They swiftly flew away, leaving Anguirus, Rodan, and Varan thoroughly confused.
"What just happened?" Varan asked.
"I don't know, but..." Anguirus said, rubbing his leg where the needle had stuck him. "I have a feeling it had something to do with whoever sent the other meteors."
"In that case, we should probably tell the others." Rodan said. "Something tells me whatever comes next isn't gonna be good."

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