Chapter 8: Confrontation

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Godzilla, Manda, Anguirus and Rodan arrived in Tokyo a few minutes later. Everything seemed fine, but they all knew something bad was happening.
"Where's Bagan?" Godzilla wondered, groaning in frustration. "I should have asked Battra for specifics."
"He's over there, on the bridge." Manda said, pointing to Rainbow Bridge. It was lit up now, as it was just starting to get dark out.
"How do you know?" Rodan asked. He was answered by an explosion on the bridge, accompanied by various screams and emergency vehicle sirens.
"Call it a hunch." Manda said sarcastically. "Let's go."
They hurried over to the bridge. By the time they got there, things had gotten much worse. Bagan was there, as Battra had predicted. Now they could see how powerful he truly was. He caused things to erupt into massive explosions just by gesturing at them, and he was able to hold two empty cars in both hands easily. Every step he took, the asphalt in the road cracked. At this rate, the bridge would be destroyed within minutes.
"We gotta stop this." Anguirus said. The others nodded and began to rush in, but Godzilla held them back.
"Wait. I'll handle this." He said.
"Oh, please." Manda spat, rolling his eyes. "You can barely handle Ghidorah on your own, and you think you can deal with him?"
Godzilla suppressed the urge to punch Manda in his smug face, and instead walked up to Bagan. The others begrudgingly hid behind a pile of rubble, ready to jump out and join the fight if anything went wrong. Bagan was standing on a large pile of destroyed vehicles and debris, and had his back turned to them, until he heard Godzilla approaching from behind. He spun around to face him, a sinister grin on his demonic face.
"So, you're the asshole who's been causing all this trouble?" Godzilla asked.
"Ah, Godzilla! We finally meet face to face." Bagan growled.
"Yeah, whatever. Before I fight you, I need to know something." Godzilla said, not showing any sign of fear. "Those meteors didn't come from you, did they? Who are you working with?"
Bagan laughed. "Did you think I freed myself?" He asked. "No, I am not alone in my conquest. Your suspicions are correct."
"And I doubt you're going to tell me who that is." Godzilla guessed.
"Once more, correct." Bagan said. "But I'm sure you will find out soon enough."
"Alright, enough talking." Godzilla growled, brandishing his sword. "Let's fight."
Bagan chuckled and nodded. "Very well." He swung his hand out, forming a glowing purple plasma blade around his right arm. Without any warning, he jumped down from his perch and swung down at Godzilla, who dodged out of the way. He drew his own sword and swung it at Bagan, who blocked with his plasma blade.
"So, you think you can defeat me?" He asked.
"I don't think, I know." Godzilla said back.
Bagan formed a plasma blade around his other arm, and swung it at Godzilla, who dodged once more and shot an atomic blast at him. It hit him square in the chest, but didn't do more than distract him a little. While he was distracted, Godzilla summoned his mana blade in his other hand.
"I suggest you give up now. Spare yourself the embarrassment." Godzilla quipped.
"Not a chance." Bagan growled. He lunged at Godzilla and the two locked blades. Godzilla slashed back at him, nearly hitting his face. A flurry of blades and slashes followed, each swing locking with another. Bagan suddenly jumped up into the air and landed a few meters behind Godzilla.
"This is getting ridiculous." Bagan snapped. He raised a hand, and then pointed at Godzilla. "Pterodactyl, Rokmutul, destroy him!" He yelled. On cue, Rokmutul and Pterodactyl rose from their hiding places, riding in the mech suits from before. Standing upright next to Bagan, they were actually a few feet taller. Godzilla was actually somewhat impressed. Rokmutul spun the hammer blocks around on his mech suit, while Pterodactyl ejected the wings on the back of his. For the first time in a while, Godzilla was intimidated by something.
"...Can we talk about this for a second?" He asked.
"No." Bagan said, smirking, He pointed at Godzilla once more, signalling for the clones to attack him. Before they got the chance, however, Rodan and Anguirus jumped in front of them, weapons drawn.
"Don't worry, we got these guys." Anguirus said. Rodan nodded and flew at Rokmutul, knocking the mech over and dragging it into the air. Meanwhile, Pterodactyl blocked a swing from Anguirus's hammer, beginning their own fight. Godzilla looked back at Bagan with a smirk.
"So, you were not alone." Bagan said rough clenched teeth. Before Godzilla could answer, he saw Manda walk up next to him, quarterstaff drawn.
"No, he wasn't." He answered.
"What are you doing?" Godzilla asked in a hushed voice so Bagan wouldn't hear. "I don't need backup."
"Yes, you do." Manda replied. "Or would you rather get yourself killed?"
Godzilla groaned and rolled his eyes. "Fine. But stay out of my way, got it?"
"As long as you stay out of mine." Manda said.
The two brandished their weapons in a fighting stance and rushed at Bagan, catching him slightly off guard. While they fought, Rodan and Anguirus were participating in their own battles.

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