2000 Reads

223 5 8

Well, looks like another story of mine hit 2000 reads. That is so crazy to me that my stories are getting so popular. By the way, the questions on Godzilla Warriors 3 are still open. If you already answered, you don't have to do so again. I also have three more questions:

1. Who is your favourite villain in Godzilla Warriors?

2. What was your favourite crossover story/short so far?

3. What's your least favourite thing about Godzilla Warriors?

I've noticed I haven't been getting a lot of feedback recently, which is why I've been asking these questions. I seriously love all feedback so please leave your answers to these questions in the comments below. Also, if you haven't answered the questions on Godzilla Warriors 3, it would be great if you could do that too. Thanks!

(Also, this is unimportant, but it's my birthday today! :D )

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