Behind the Scenes

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Kaiju Trivia:

Godzilla Warriors 4 revolves around forgotten, scrapped, or relatively unknown Kaiju from the Toho and Godzilla universe. Though because they were scrapped or forgotten, very little people may know about them. So for those who don't know, here are some brief descriptions of some of the original Kaiju who inspired the characters in my story.

Not much is known about Dogolas. We don't even know what movie he was planned for, or if he was even planned for a movie. All we know is was a giant, purple, tentacly alien. I thought he looked so cool when I first saw him, I had to put him in the story. I noticed he had what appeared to be a large brain, so I incorporated his superior intellect into his personality, and decided to make him kind of a jerk about it. I think his character turned out really well, but I don't know if he'll return in the future.

Bagan is actually kind of well known, because he was actually used in something. It wasn't a movie though. He was originally planned for three different movies, two Godzilla films and a Mothra film, but all of them were scrapped. Finally, Bagan was used as the end boss in Super Godzilla for the SNES, the same place where I got Godzilla's Super form. I wanted to make him the one thing Godzilla could be intimidated by, and have some trouble defeating. I wanted to make him the most powerful enemy he's ever faced. And I think I succeeded.

Komodithrax was from the Godzilla 1998 Animated Series. As in Godzilla Warriors, she was Zilla's love interest. In the show, the two had an egg together, but Komodithrax and the egg perished when they fell off of a crumbling cliff while she was fighting a giant turtle. I wanted to add a Kaiju from the Animated Series for this story specifically, but I also wanted a new female character for Godzilla's army, since I only had Mothra and Muto, and I planned on removing Muto, so Komodithrax was a perfect pick. I decided to give her a bad-ass tomboy personality to contrast Zilla's somewhat incompetent nervous personality. I chose the nickname Komi because, like Komodithrax said, it's a bit of a mouthful.

Rokmutul and Pterodactyl were only seen in concept art for Godzilla 2014. It's speculated that they were going to be references or tributes to Anguirus and Rodan, respectively. Since one was a six legged Kaiju, and the other had wings, it's also speculated that these two eventually evolved into the Muto's we see in the movie. Some theorize that Rokmutul was the dead Kaiju we saw in the original teaser for Godzilla 2014, but the creature in the teaser actually had 8 legs, whereas Rokmutul had 6. And no, I don't know why Pterodactyl is named so lazily. My guess is it was just a code name that stuck. Because of their original speculated purpose, I made them clones of Anguirus and Rodan, but because so little was known about them, I didn't want them to talk or anything.

Those were some of the Kaiju who were featured in the story, but there were actually a lot of unused, lesser known, or scrapped Kaiju who were going to be featured, but I decided to write out or replace for one reason or another. Here are some of them.

This guy was the villain in the 2014 comic book, Godzilla Awakening. He was a big flying scorpion bug who could divide his cells at will. Originally, I was going to have him join Bagan and Dogolas to fight Godzilla, but I cut him out and replaced him with Rokmutul and Pterodactyl. For those who actually would've like to see him, don't worry. He'll be in the next one.

Erabus and Redmoon:
These two are so unknown, that there was barely any information about them on the internet. They were two monsters who came from space, one was male, one was female. They came to Earth looking for their child, who ended up being accidentally killed by the military. Then they went on a rampage. I cut them out because they could fill a story themselves.

Daughter Robot:
Yeah...bit of a strange name. In her original concept art, she was a giant naked female robot who was sent out by a scientist, who modelled her after his daughter, to fight Godzilla and Anguirus. She was supposed to kill Anguirus by ripping his jaw open, a tactic which would be used by Mechagodzilla in his movie. Eventually, Godzilla falls in love with her and they get married...pretty obvious why I left her out. Maybe I'll write her into a comedic short story later.

No, not the green lady from Guardians of the Galaxy. And not the giant turtle either, we already featured him. Gamora was from a...very strange proposed sequel to the first Godzilla movie. Originally, they were going to find out that Godzilla was not male, but female, and that she was from space...and pregnant. Then Godzilla dies, and the Japanese military starts harvesting her organs, eventually finding the unborn child. The kid wakes up, and is sent back into space, where he meets his father, who I call Papa Godzilla. Then Papa Godzilla fights a giant female turtle alien beast named Gamora, actually was conceptualized before Gamera. Anyhow, Papa Godzilla kills her, and then the movie ends. Again, you can see why I didn't add her.

This Kaiju was going to be an evil twin of Mothra, who's egg was radiated by Godzilla. The idea was scrapped and repurposed into Battra. Originally, I was gonna have a plot line where Dogolas clones Mothra along with Anguirus and Rodan, and the resulting clones would be Rokmutul, Pterodactyl, and Gigamoth. I decided against this because I wanted Rokmutul and Pterodactyl to have their own thing, seeing as they were scrapped from the same movie. Plus, I gave Mothra enough attention in the last story. Gigamoth would have been a sort of dark parallel to Mothra, like Shadow the Hedgehog or Blackfire from Teen Titans.

You probably know Gorosaurus already. He's actually in a lot of movies. I decided to replace him with Baragon, because Baragon is in a lot less movies. I have other plans for Gorosaurus, though. Remember how it was mentioned that a friend of Kong's was looking after Skull Island in his absence?

The Gryphon:
This unrealized Kaiju was not made by Toho. It was created by Tristar for the 1998 Godzilla movie, but we all know how that turned out. Originally, the Gryphon was going to be Zilla's adversary in the movie, but for some reason or another, it was scrapped. I was seriously going to include it in my story, but I couldn't find a way to write it in.


Many scenes and events in Godzilla Warriors 4 were inspired from other media. Here are some of them:

The idea of fighting enemies in mech suits on a bridge was directly inspired by RWBY, specifically a scene from season 2, where team RWBY is fighting a mech suit on a highway. I was going to make it more like that scene, but I don't like ripping stuff off too much.

Komodithrax's personality was decided long before I started writing. But before I introduced her character into the story, I started watching Steven Universe. I noticed that the personality I had given Komi was a little bit similar to Amethyst. Once I realized that, Komi's personality became inspired by Amethyst, at least a little.

Speaking of Komodithrax, her design was inspired by Lara Croft and Kim Possible.

Mothra's fire arc attack (I gotta figure out a better name for that thing) was inspired by the Avatar State from Avatar: the Last Airbender, and the Legend of Korra. (I haven't actually seen Legend of Korra.)

Much of Bagan's dialogue from the final chapters was inspired by Flowey from Undertale. I had just started watching the Steam Train let's play of the game before I wrote those scenes, and Flowey's dialogue from the end of the Neutral and Pacifist endings indirectly inspired Bagan's dialogue.

Godzilla and Manda's rivalry was inspired by the rivalry between Tahu and Kopaka from Bionicle, as well as Kamina and Viral from Gurren Lagann.

Dogolas' design was inspired by Psycho Mantis from Metal Gear Solid, and the Slender Man, oddly enough.

The Meteor Creatures were technically an original idea, but I got the idea when I was playing the Spider Man playset in Disney Infinity 2.0. The enemies in the game are various Venom symbiote clones of different sizes.

The scene where Godzilla punches Manda was actually inspired by the series finale of Aqua Teen Hunger Force, specifically a surprisingly intense and humourless scene where Frylock begins to beat up Shake, forcing Meatwad to break up the fight.

The scene where Zilla stands up to the brainwashed Godzilla was inspired by the scene from Gurren Lagann where Simon finally gains the confidence to fight Lordgenome.

The scene where Rodan and Anguirus fight each others clones was inspired by an episode of Teen Titans. Cyborg, Beast Boy, and Starfire are fighting clones of themselves, and then fight each others clones once they realize they can't beat themselves.

The scene where Rokmutul and Pterodactyl throw the busses off the bridge was inspired by a scene from the Spider Man comics and movie where the Green Goblin makes Spider Man choose between saving his girlfriend (Mary Jane in the movie, Gwen Stacy in the comics) or a bus full of kids.

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