Update (New Book)

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I recently published a new book called Thoughts: Rants, Reviews, Top 10's, and More. It's pretty much exactly what you think it is. This is where I'll post stuff like movie reviews, top 10 lists, and pretty much my general thoughts on movies, games, and TV shows, among many other things. So far, the only chapter is a review of Fantastic Four 2015 (Spoiler alert, it sucks), but I have some other stuff to post as well. I'll update it every so often.

Also, I have a status update for some of my upcoming stories. I'm halfway through the Ghidorah story, but I had some pretty serious writers block recently. The Console Wars story is also on its way, but going a little bit slow. With school starting recently, I haven't had a lot of time to write. Either way, more stuff is coming in the future, so be sure to follow me if you haven't yet, look out for more updates, vote, and share. Until then, this is Captaintaco2345, signing off!

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