Chapter 1: First Attack

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Godzilla watched as the smoke began to fade away. While the others seemed to pay it no mind, he felt like something was wrong, as if the smoke was trying to warn him of something. It had been billowing out for five days now, and it was only now dissipating? Something wasn't right, and Godzilla knew it. He sighed in frustration.
"Maybe I'm just being paranoid." He thought. This made him chuckle. That was something Mothra often said about him whenever he was worried about something. The two had been spending much more time together since their last adventure. Her mannerisms were starting to rub off on him. His thoughts were cut short when he heard a noise behind him. It sounded like scratching, or maybe some sort of digging. He turned around only to see a pile of dirt forming around a growing hole in the ground. It looked as if a giant mole was trying to dig its way to the surface. One of Godzilla's eyebrows raised.
"What the..?" He mumbled.
The hole in the ground continued to grow until it suddenly stopped. A hand popped out, gripping the surface. The one digging the hole began to pull himself out, and Godzilla immediately recognized him.
"Baragon?!" He asked.
Indeed it was Baragon, an old friend of Godzilla's. He hadn't seen him in many years. Godzilla helped him up and out of the hole, and onto the ground. Baragon thanked him and brushed himself off.
"It's been a while, hasn't it?" He said, pulling his goggles off of his face and onto his forehead.
"Yeah, but what are you doing here?" Godzilla asked.
"Uh... we need to talk about something." Baragon said. "Bagan has awakened."
Godzilla knew the name. His father had told him about Bagan on some occasions. The two had fought before. Bagan was a powerful entity bent on destroying the Earth. Gojira had to imprison him in a volcano in order to stop him. Baragon was stationed near the volcano to tell Godzilla if Bagan ever escaped. It had been so long, Godzilla had completely forgotten.
"Hm. So that was what the eruption was." Godzilla said.
"So we just need to put him back in there, right?" Baragon asked.
"Yeah, it should be easy." Godzilla smirked. "My dad had some trouble defeating him by himself, but this time it's all of us against only one of him."
Suddenly, they heard a crash from the other side of the island. It was so loud it nearly made the ground rumble. It lasted only a few seconds, but they both heard and felt it.
"What was that?" Baragon asked, pulling out his hand-shovels.
"I have a feeling we're gonna find out." Godzilla said. He motioned to grab his sword, until he realized it was gone. He remembered that his sword was shattered in his battle with X. He summoned a Mana blade as a temporary substitute.
"I'll have to remember to get another one later." He thought.
The two ran out of the forest, entering the rocky plain area of the island. A large meteor with a crack in the middle sat in the middle of the area. Anguirus, Rodan, and Mothra were there, but they were fighting something. Actually, they were fighting multiple things. They were vaguely human-shaped, but with a dark purple leathery skin, white circular eyes, and varying objects for hands. The one fighting Mothra had its arms morphed into blades, and the one fighting Anguirus had his morphed into large mace-like weapons. There were many more coming from almost every direction.
"What are those things?" Baragon asked.
"No idea." Godzilla said. He noticed that while Mothra was focussing on one of the creatures, another was sneaking up from behind. Godzilla quickly ran over and blocked the creatures attack for her. Mothra turned around, smiling and blushing slightly when she saw Godzilla.
"We were waiting for you to show up." She said.
"Any idea what these things are?" Godzilla asked, blocking another attack. Mothra did the same to another creature.
"We don't know." She said. "A meteor crashed about a minute ago, and then they started showing up."
Mothra slashed at another creature. She eyed the new knife she was using. Her elemental knife had been broken in a battle with Desghidorah. The Shobijin, Mothra's twin fairy guardians, had told her that they could forge another one, but it would take some time. Until then, she was borrowing one of Leo's less-powerful knives. Meanwhile, Godzilla attacked one of the creatures by slicing at its midsection, completely slicing it in half. While at first, Godzilla thought the creature was done for, it began to slowly reattach his top half to its lower half. Then it stood up, as if nothing had happened.
"These things regenerate damage." Rodan explained from above. He was fighting one of the creatures in the air, as it had morphed its arms into a pair of bat wings. "We haven't figured out a way to beat them yet."
"Why won't these things die!?" Anguirus yelled, smashing one of the creatures with his hammer on each syllable.
Baragon jumped into the battle and hit one of the creatures with one of his shovel, knocking it's head off. The body slumped over and fell to the ground, while the head rolled away. Then the rest of the body just evaporated. Baragon turned to the others.
"Aim for the heads!" He said. Anguirus took the advice and changed the trajectory of his hammer, knocking the head off in the same manner as Baragon. The creature fell over and dissolved, just like the last. The others did the same, each with the same results. Within minutes, all the creatures were dead. Once that was done, everyone sheathed their weapons and gathered around the large crater in the ground caused by the meteor. Mothra was the first to speak.
"Good to see you again, Baragon." She greeted. "Looks like you haven't changed much."
"Looks like you've changed quite a bit, honestly." Baragon replied.
"Yeah, I kind of... died a few days ago. It's a long story." Mothra said.
Baragon raised a confused eyebrow, but he didn't get a chance to reply. Zilla, Kong, Ceaser, and Varan ran in, gathering around the meteor along with the others. Muto followed as well. After the events of the previous week, Muto had cut all ties with her previous lover, Hokmuto. Godzilla had once again welcomed her into the army, and she was quite happy to be back. She ender her reminiscing when Ceaser spoke up.
"We came as soon as we heard the crash. Is anything wrong?" He asked.
"No, I think we're good now." Godzilla said. "But we still don't know what this thing is or where it came from."
"Well, whatever it is, I don't think it came from Bagan." Baragon said. Mothra jumped at the name. Ceaser reacted as well.
"Bagan is awake?!" Mothra asked.
"This is not good." Ceaser said.
"How do you guys know who Bagan is?" Godzilla asked.
"Gojira isn't the only one who imprisoned Bagan in the volcano." Ceaser explained. "I helped as well, along with Mosura.
"Uh, am I missing something?" Zilla asked, scratching his head. "Who's Bagan?" Most of the others nodded or voiced their agreement. They had no idea who or what Bagan was.
"If what Baragon says is correct, you're all going to find out, and soon." Ceaser explained.
"Anyway, I think Baragon's right. These meteors and creatures didn't come from Bagan alone." Godzilla said. "I think he found himself an accomplice."
"Well then we'll need some help." Baragon said. "And I know just the guys for the job. One of them lives pretty close, but the other lives in Alaska."
"Then we better get moving." Godzilla said.
Suddenly, another meteor crashed a long way away from where they were standing, this one much larger than the last. A crack formed in the centre, and a mass of dark purple goo flowed out. The goo slowly began to form into the creatures from before. This time, there were even more, about 50 of them.
"You guys go, we can handle these things." Rodan said. Godzilla nodded and turned to Baragon.
"So, where does this first guy live?" He asked.
"I don't exactly know, but I have a machine to track him." Baragon explained. He pulled out a small white device about the size of a book, with a screen in the middle. The screen showed a map with a pulsating red dot on it.
"Great. I have a boat we can use to get there." Godzilla said.
Baragon nodded and the two ran to the beach where a medium sized speedboat was docked.
"Are you sure it's fast enough?" Baragon asked.
"Yeah, it's pretty fast." Godzilla explained. "It's our main transportation on and off of the island. It can get from here to Tokyo in less than a few minutes."
"Then this shouldn't take long." Baragon said.
They hopped in the boat and sped off towards their destination.

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