Chapter 13: One Last Chance

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"Godzilla!" Mothra screamed. She watched in horror as his face went completely blank and expressionless, and his eyes rolled back in his head. Whatever the tendril was doing, it was clearly something bad. She and some of the others tried to attack Dogolas, but he quickly stopped them.
"Unless you want him dead, I suggest you stay put!" He snapped.
"He's right." Ceaser agreed. "That tendril is deep in his brain. One false move and it could hit something vital."
"Well we have to do something!" Mothra yelled. But the others didn't have any idea what to do. They were forced to watch as Dogolas meddled with Godzilla's mind. There was no blood or gore, but the tendril made strange and disgusting noises as it writhed and wiggled. Godzilla's now emotionless face began to twitch and spasm slightly. Finally, Dogolas ripped out the tendril, which retracted back into his cape. Godzilla fell foreword onto his hands and knees as the hole in his head healed. Mothra quickly approached him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Godzilla, what did he do to you? Are you alright?" She frantically asked. As he looked up at her, she gasped. Her eyes widened and she stepped back in shock. His eyes were still rolled over, showing only whites. His face was no longer expressionless, showing an angry glare.
"G-Godzilla?" Mothra whispered. Leo quickly flew foreword and dragged her back to the rest of the group.
"Don't get too close, he could be dangerous." Leo warned. "We have no idea what Dogolas did to him."
"What did you do to him?" Anguirus asked Dogolas.
"It's quite simple." Dogolas explained. "I got the idea from your past enemy, X. Godzilla is now under my control."
"But... how?" Mothra wondered. "Godzilla's immune to X's mind control."
"Yes, well that was a different kind of mind control." Dogolas explained. "X used radio waves. I prefer to physically alter the brain itself. It's much more efficient, plus it's much harder to snap him out of it. Almost impossible, really."
Godzilla stood up and looked at the group of Kaiju who used to be his friends. He couldn't see, hear, or feel anything. All his senses were completely under Dogolas' control. While he couldn't see anyone, he still sneered at his past allies angrily. They were all in front of him, while Dogolas stood directly behind him. All of them were in complete still silence. You could hear a pin drop from the other side of the world. Finally Dogolas spoke.
"Alright then, Godzilla," He began, "Kill them all."
Without thinking, Godzilla began to walk towards them. They cowered in fear, not wanting to attack their leader. Most of them had fought or trained with him before, but this was different. Now he was the enemy. Before Godzilla could step too far, Dogolas stopped him by grabbing his shoulder.
"Wait..." He said. "Start with... her." He pointed at Mothra. She gasped as Godzilla's blank eyes locked on her.
"W-what?" She whispered. Battra and Leo stepped in front of her.
"You will not touch her." Battra growled.
"You're gonna have to get through us first." Leo added.
Dogolas rolled his eyes behind the red lenses on his mask. Two tendrils, much larger than the one he used to control Godzilla, shot out of his cape. One grabbed Leo, while the other grabbed Battra, holding them in the air away from the battle.
"Now that there are no further distractions, please proceed." Dogolas said. Godzilla obeyed and continued to walk towards Mothra. She brandished her knife and pointed it at him. She didn't want to hurt him, but she knew she might have to.
"Godzilla, you don't have to do this." She begged. He didn't hear her. He couldn't. He continued to slowly walk towards her. Mothra moved her knife into a more defensive position.
"Please, don't make me hurt you!" She yelled. "Just wake up!" Godzilla still couldn't hear her. Words meant nothing to him now. Mothra knew what she had to do. She moved her knife to attack. Godzilla lifted his katana and swung down at her. Mothra tried to block, to swing back, to do anything. But she couldn't. Something in her mind prevented her from attacking him. She loved him, and even though he was under Dogolas' control, she couldn't bring herself to hurt him. She closed her eyes, awaiting the inevitable. But the pain she expected didn't come. She opened one eye, and saw someone in front of her, blocking the attack. She opened both eyes, and saw who her apparent saviour was. It was Zilla. He had blocked Godzilla's katana with his own sword.
"All of you, get back." He ordered. "I'll handle Godzilla."
Everyone did as Zilla told them. Dogolas' tendrils let go of Leo and Battra, and they flew back to the rest of the group. The only one left was Komi.
"Zilla, what are you doing?" She asked.
"I am done being the incompetent dumbass on this team." Zilla growled. "I've been waiting for a chance to prove myself for a long time. And now I have it!"
Dogolas watched all of this. He contemplated trapping Zilla in a tendril and removing the distraction, but he also wanted to see just how this whole thing turned out.
"This might be interesting." He thought. He walked a little bit closer to them. "Another change of plans." He said. Godzilla turned to face him. "Godzilla, kill him." Dogolas continued, pointing at Zilla. Godzilla turned his head back to Zilla.
"Komi, you'll be safer with the rest of the group." Zilla assured. She silently nodded and ran to the others, who were now a safe distance away from what was about to become a battleground.
"There's no way Zilla can win by himself." Battra said. "We should get in there and help him!"
"No. He needs to do this alone." Anguirus commented. "Zilla may not be strong, but if there's one thing he is, it's determined."
"Yeah, but that may end up getting him killed..." Rodan said. Their thoughts were interrupted as they saw Godzilla swing at Zilla, nearly hitting him in the arm. He dodged and swung back, managing to land a strong hit on Godzilla's side. Then Godzilla sung his other arm at Zilla, hitting him directly on the side of the head. While Zilla was distracted by this, Godzilla kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying backwards and falling on his back. Despite the wind being knocked out of him, he still tried to get himself back up.
"I'm not giving up." He muttered. Finally back on his feet, Zilla quickly found an opening and stabbed at Godzilla's midsection. Godzilla dodged out of the way and ducked behind Zilla. He swung his sword down at Zilla's back, eliciting a painful scream and a spray of blood. He fell to the ground, and stayed down for longer, but he still managed to hoist himself back up.
"I... won't lose." He growled. He knew he wasn't just fighting for himself. He was fighting friends, for the world, for Godzilla, and for Komi. He couldn't let any of them down. Once he was back on his feet, he could see Komi looking at him. He saw her worry and compassion, but he also saw something else. He saw her admiration, her excitement for watching him fight, and her anticipation for seeing him win. He would win. He had to. He would do it for her.
"Sorry about this, Godzilla." He said. He sheathed his sword on his back. The others were a bit confused, not exactly knowing what he was doing. Suddenly, he held his hand up. A glowing red energy began to course through his arm. Now everyone understood what was happening, except for Komi.
"What's going on?" She asked.
"Zilla's about to win." Rodan said with a smirk.
As he said this, Zilla shot his arm out at Godzilla, and the glowing energy began to course faster. A fireball appeared in the palm of his hand. As soon as it appeared, it transformed into a beam of pure heat that hit Godzilla directly in the chest. But to Zilla's surprise, and the surprise of everyone else, the beam did nothing. It simply bounced off of Godzilla as if he was getting hit by a stream of water.
"I may have spoken too soon." Rodan said. Zilla stopped the heat beam, knowing that no damage was being done. That was his most powerful attack and it did nothing. He could barely move as he stood in shock. He didn't even notice as Godzilla approached him. Once he did notice, it was too late. Godzilla wound up his arm and punched Zilla in the face, much harder than he had punched Manda the day before. Zilla fell to the ground, bruised and unconscious.

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