Chapter 6: Clones and Control

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Rodan landed at the crash site, observing the wreckage. It was not a meteor, or a metal ball this time. It was something else. It looked like some sort of cylinder, with a glowing green light running up the sides. It was quite large, about 3 meters high and 2 meters wide. Anguirus arrived shortly after.
"Any idea what this thing is?" He asked.
"No, but judging by what happened last time, I'm not looking foreword to it." Rodan replied. He drew his swords in a defensive position. Zilla and some of the others arrived as well. They all watched as the cylinder ejected several jets of steam, as two doors opened on the sides and two figures stepped out. They resembled Rodan and Anguirus, but with many differences.
"Those guys look familiar." Anguirus said, sarcastically. Despite his sarcasm, he was extremely nervous, even a little scared.
"I'm guessing whoever took your blood used it to make them." Varan said.
The figures reached back into the cylinder and took out their individual weapons. The one resembling Anguirus had a large metallic hammer, and the one resembling Rodan had two silver short swords.
"I don't think they're friendly." Rodan said. Suddenly, they saw a bright red light streak across the sky and heard it strike the island with a loud crash.
"Another meteor?" Kong asked.
"We need to get over there, but we can't leave those two clones alone here." Ceaser said.
"We can take them." Rodan said. "They're our clones, after all. "
Ceaser nodded and lead the others to the meteor. Rodan looked back to the cylinder. The doors had black labels on them. The door his clone came out of had the name "Pterodactyl", while Anguirus' clone's door was labeled "Rokmutul."
"So, your name's Pterodactyl?" Rodan asked. The clone did not respond, but instead attacked. Rokmutul did the same. Both Anguirus and Rodan were able to block the attacks in time. Unfortunately, Rokmutul quickly moved his hammer and swung it again. This time, he hit Anguirus in the side of the head, sending him flying. This distracted Rodan, allowing Pterodactyl to attack as well. Rodan was able to block a few more times, until Pterodactyl preformed a spin kick, tripping Rodan in the process.
"This may be harder than I thought." He groaned. "I hope Godzilla and the others are having better luck."

When Zilla and the others arrived at the meteor, Godzilla and Komodithrax were already there. The amount of creatures was as large as the attack from the other day. There was not only a large amount of them, but almost all of them were of the larger variety. A few more meteors landed around the area, spawning even more creatures, mainly of regular size. The creatures hadn't attacked yet, but they were slowly and surely approaching the group.
"Maybe we should get Mothra out here again." Kong suggested.
"I don't want to cause her any more stress." Godzilla answered. "Besides, we can take them."
"Well then, what are we waiting for?" Komi asked. She ran directly into a horde of medium sized creatures. Godzilla raised an eyebrow and turned to Baragon.
"She's enthusiastic, I'll give her that." He admitted. He and the others ran in as well, following Komi's example. Zilla was more worried for Komi than anything. He drew his own sword and began slicing his way through the creatures. He noted that his swordplay skills had gotten much better with time. A few years ago, he wouldn't have stood a chance, but now he was able to defeat at least three creatures with one slice. For a second, he imagined himself going up against Godzilla, and maybe possibly winning. He scoffed at this imagination.
"Yeah, like that would ever happen." He thought. Then he remembered why he was there; to find Komi. After decapitating a few more creatures, he found her. She was fighting one of the larger creatures. Zilla remembered that Anguirus and Rodan had trouble with one of them during the last battle, and that was with the two of them. Komi was fighting one all by herself. Zilla's instincts told him to help her. He ran in just as the creature was about to swing its arm down on her. Zilla attacked the creature by slashing at its leg. The attack didn't do much, aside from distracting it from Komi. Seeing that its attention was off of her, she took the opportunity and jumped into the air, aiming a well placed kick at the rock-like structure around its neck. It cracked and part of it fell off, exposing much of the neck. Komi then spun around with her sword, slicing the creatures head off. Once the creature had fully evaporated, she looked over at Zilla and smiled.
"Thanks for the help." She said.
"D-don't mention it." Zilla responded, rubbing the back of his head. He blushed, but still smiled.
"You know... we make a good team." Komi continued. She began to step closer to Zilla, until she suddenly tripped and fell to the ground in front of him.
"What the hell-" Komi gasped. It looked as if a black rope was wrapped around her leg. She soon saw that the rope was actually a tendril, coming from what appeared to be a new breed of meteor creature. It was humanoid, but had a snakelike body with no legs and tendrils for arms. Its eyes were white, like the others, but they weren't circular. Instead, they resembled thin teardrops. One of the creature's tendril arms was currently wrapped around Komi's leg. She tried to pull away from it, but the creature tightened its grip. It continued tightening until her leg began to lose circulation, and kept tightening still. Suddenly, with a loud crack, Komi let out a painful scream. Seeing and hearing that Komi was in pain, something clicked in Zilla's mind. He turned his now determined gaze towards the creature, and rushed foreword to attack it. The creature launched its other arm at him, but Zilla was able to dodge it and sliced its head off. As with the others, it fell over and slowly evaporated. After making sure the creature was dead, Zilla ran back over to Komi, who had rolled herself onto her back. She was currently keeping her teeth clenched to prevent from screaming again. Her left leg was bent in an awkward position, and covered in red markings from the Tendril. It was also starting to swell up. Zilla leaned down next to her.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"My leg..." Komi groaned. "I think it's broken."
Zilla looked around at the battle going on around them. Now that her leg was broken, Komi was in danger. He had to take her out of the battle. He gently picked her up and carried her in his arms bridal style, taking care to support her leg. She instinctively wrapped an arms around his neck to prevent from falling, and looked up at him with a confused glance.
"What are you doing?" She asked. Zilla looked down at her and smiled.
"Getting you out of here." He said. He ran off into the forest, knowing exactly where he was going to take her.

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