Update: New One-Off + Future Story

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I just published a new chapter in Godzilla Warriors One-Offs. It's called Kaiju Classroom. If you've seen the Steven Universe "Classroom Gems" shorts, it's basically like that, but with Godzilla warriors characters. I'll make a few more in the future.

Also, seeing as the new trailer for the Cloverfield sequel (?) just released a few days ago, I thought it would be appropriate to confirm a future story. While it won't happen any time soon, one of the future Godzilla Warriors stories will be a crossover with Cloverfield. I actually released concept art for what Clover will look like, but that's not final. 

As for non-Godzilla related stories, I'm closest to finishing Console Wars. Afterwords, I'll probably start working on Godzilla Warriors 5, and then one of my other planned stories. I have a lot of stuff planned, though. Until then, this is Captaintaco2345 signing off!

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