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The next day, everything had returned to normal. Well, not everything. Godzilla's army was smaller now, not only because of Jet, Moguera, and Muto being gone, but also because some others were leaving as well. Baragon had decided to stay on the island and be a part of Godzilla's army, meaning someone had to watch over Mt. Rausu to make sure Bagan never escaped again. Ceaser volunteered for this job, as he was the only one who knew exactly how to trap Bagan. Kong and Varan were leaving as well. Ever since Kong left Skull Island, things had gotten much worse. The villagers living on the island had no one to lead them. A friend of Kong's was attempting to keep everything under control, but he wasn't as powerful as Kong. He needed to return to Skull Island, but he needed help to get things back in order. Varan volunteered to go with him. He had always wanted to see more of the world, and this seemed like a perfect opportunity. Manda decided to leave as well, though no one objected. After the sendoff, the only ones left were Godzilla, Mothra, Rodan, Anguirus, Battra, Leo, Baragon, Zilla, and Komi. But they still weren't alone. Now they had allies all over the world, as well as the new team on the Gotengo. The odds were definitely not against them. If anyone else attacked, they would be ready. Godzilla thought about this as he leaned on part of the rock wall surrounding the beach, looking out at the water as it crashed against the sand. Mothra, Rodan, and Anguirus approached him.
"So what's next?" Rodan asked. Godzilla looked at him, slightly leaning his head to the side in confusion.
"What do you mean, 'what's next?" He asked.
"You know, what do you think is gonna be our next adventure?" Rodan explained. Godzilla smirked and looked towards the horizon.
"I don't know." He said. "We've been through a lot lately. First Ghidorah, then SpaceGodzilla, then Desghidorah and X... and now Dogolas and Bagan, and all in one year. It's like were fighting a new enemy one after another."
The others nodded in agreement. It had been a pretty crazy year. Hell, a few of them literally died.
"Yeah, I think our next 'adventure' should be less adventure-y." Anguirus suggested.
"Well, hopefully whatever comes next won't be too hard to handle." Mothra agreed.
Suddenly, Godzilla's communicator rang. As before, it was Jet. Godzilla pressed the button, and Jet appeared on screen. He wasn't on the Gotengo. Godzilla wasn't sure where he was.
"Hey, Godzilla, I have someone here with me who'd like a word with you." Jet explained.
"Uh...okay, put him on." Godzilla said. Jet nodded and stepped out of the frame. Another figure took his place. He was an African-American man, wearing a black turtleneck and trench coat. An eyepatch covered his left eye, along with several scars. He was also bald and had a thick goatee.
"Judging by Jet Jaguar's description, I assume you're Godzilla." The man said.
"Yeah. Who're you?" Godzilla asked back.
"My name is Nick Fury, director of SHIELD." The man replied. "And I need your help."

The End...

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