Chapter 12: Imprisoned

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Bagan raised his plasma blade higher. He was ready to kill Godzilla, but he wanted to savour the moment as long as possible. He didn't even notice when Dogolas called at him.
"Bagan!" Dogolas called for the third time. Bagan rolled his eyes and turned his attention to Dogolas with a groan of frustration.
"I am quite busy right now!" He shouted through his gritted teeth, pointing the plasma blade at Godzilla.
"The hostages have escaped." Dogolas hissed.
Bagan looked at the shrinking laser cage. By now, the cage was small enough that most of them would be dead. But they weren't anywhere to be seen. Godzilla gave a weak smirk as he saw this. Bagan was not as pleased. He retracted his plasma blade.
"How did they get out!?" He yelled.
"It might have something to do with the giant hole in the ground." Dogolas said sarcastically.
"Baragon." Godzilla thought. He guessed what happened. Baragon must have dug a hole for all of them to escape out of. Godzilla laughed, though weakly. Bagan still heard him.
"That's it." He said. "I'm through with waiting. It's time to end this once and-"
"Oh no you don't!" Anguirus shouted from the side. Bagan spun around, only for Anguirus' hammer to strike him in the side of the head. At the same time, Baragon hit him twice in the side with his hand shovels. Varan swooped down from above and kicked him in the back. Ceaser, Muto, Kong, and the others showed up as well. Everyone attacked him at the same time like a swarm of bees, all working in unison. Dogolas tried to assist Bagan, attempting to grab the attackers with his tendrils. Battra, Manda, and Rodan swooped down and sliced at the tendrils. While they were distracted, Mothra approached Godzilla.
"Wow, am I glad to see you." Godzilla said, managing to smile at her through the pain. Mothra smiled back, though she frowned when she saw the bruises, cuts, and blood covering him.
"Why aren't you healing?" She asked.
"Bagan drained my energy." Godzilla explained. "I... went burning again. Not the best idea, now that I think about it." Mothra's anger resurfaced. She always hated when he did that. Not only was it a danger to him, but to the whole world as well.
"Dammit, Godzilla!" Mothra said. She sighed. "Never mind, there's no time to argue. Here, let me help you."
She managed to pull him back up to his feet. He could almost stand on his own, but he still needed support. He rested an arm on Mothra's shoulder.
"I'm not gonna be able to fight Bagan like this." Godzilla said.
"I know." Mothra said. "But I'm not done helping you."
She moved his arm off of her shoulder and positioned him in front of her. Before Godzilla knew what she was doing, she pulled him closer to her and kissed him. At first he was confused, until he felt an intense soothing warmth wash over his body. His wounds healed, and he began to feel more alert and energized. Now he understood what she was doing. She was healing him through their kiss. Once he could move his arms more easily, he gently placed his hands on Mothra's arms, pulling her even closer. They finally broke their kiss after they remembered what they were supposed to be doing.
"Thanks. I needed that." Godzilla said. Mothra blushed and gave a cute smile.
"Don't mention it." She said. They turned back to Bagan and Dogolas. The others were still fighting, but they couldn't keep going for long. Ceaser noticed Godzilla was back on his feet. He ran up to him and Mothra, followed by Baragon.
"Good to see you're back to normal." He said. "We won't be able to hold Bagan back much longer."
"It's fine. I think I know how to beat him." Baragon said. "He can't be defeated by strength and skill alone. We know that now. We need to complete the same ritual that trapped him in the volcano in the first place."
"In that case, I know what to do." Ceaser responded. Meanwhile, the others were still attacking Bagan and Dogolas. They weren't doing much damage, but they were distracting them, which was exactly what Godzilla and the others needed. Finally, Bagan loudly grunted in anger.
"That is enough!" He yelled. A red shockwave burst out of Bagan's chest, sending everyone attacking him flying off in all directions. He turned back to Godzilla, who was now standing with Mothra, Ceaser, and Baragon. While he didn't recognize Mothra or Baragon, he definitely recognized Ceaser. He snarled in his rage.
"I remember you." He growled, pointing a clawed finger at him. "You were one of the others who imprisoned me!"
"Correct, and I'm here to do it again." Ceaser replied confidently, coiling into a battle stance. Bagan's eyes fell onto Mothra. He began to recognize her as well, but in a different way.
"And you..." He said. "You're Mosura's daughter, correct?" He was seemingly more calm addressing her, and Mothra noticed that his eyes seemed to drift up and down her body, admiring her. It made her extremely uncomfortable.
"Yes, I am." She answered.
"You certainly inherited you're mother's more... prominent assets." Bagan muttered, grinning slightly. Mothra tried to hide her disgust. Not only was he flitting with her, he implied that her mom was hot. It made her shudder, but she managed to stay determined.
"My eyes are up here, asshole." She said, pointing at her bright blue eyes. She got into a more intimidating battle stance that she hoped would make Bagan stop mentally undressing her. Luckily, it did, along with her previous remark. Instead, Bagan turned his head back to Godzilla.
"So, you're going to attempt to imprison me again?" He asked. "Fine then. But I'm not going to be defeated so easily!"
He extended two long plasma blades from his arms and rushed at them, intending to kill them all at once. Godzilla, Mothra, and Baragon drew their weapons and prepared to attack, but Ceaser raised a hand, stopping them in their tracks.
"Do not move." He ordered.
"But he's gonna kill us!" Godzilla countered.
"Trust me. He won't get the chance." Ceaser replied. Bagan continued to approach them, roaring in anger. Suddenly, he stopped, but not intentionally. He was completely frozen in a single spot. The plasma blades retracted back into his arms. It was as if he was paralyzed.
"What is the meaning of this?" Bagan inquired. "What did you four do?!"
"I... don't know." Godzilla admitted. It was the truth. None of them knew what was happening, except for Ceaser. He had used his powers to paralyze Bagan in order to make the imprisonment easier. It was the same tactic he used many years ago.
"Alright, I need you all to do exactly as I say." Ceaser said sternly. Godzilla and the others nodded. "The paralysis won't last long. Baragon, I need you to place this on the ground." He quickly handed Baragon the black orb from before. Baragon was confused.
"What is it?" He asked. However, Mothra recognized it.
"It's a device created by Mosura to trap Bagan in the volcano in the first place." Ceaser explained. "Without it, it would be impossible to defeat him at all."
"I remember that." Mothra added. "Mother always used to tell me stories about it. She told me it was lost, but she wouldn't need it again."
"It was lost, but we definitely need it now." Ceaser explained.
Bagan's paralysis began to wear off, as he was slowly began to walk towards them, held back by what remained of the paralysis spell.
"Maybe we should hurry this up." Godzilla suggested.
"Right." Ceaser nodded. "Mothra, once the orb is on the ground, I need you to summon the Shobijin and banish him to the volcano."
Mothra nodded, and then closed her eyes, using her telekinesis to contact the Shobijin. She needed to warn them before summoning them. Finally, Ceaser turned to Godzilla.
"Godzilla, your task is the most important." He began. "The second I tell you too, I need you to attack Bagan as hard as you can, understand?"
"Alright, let's do this." Godzilla grinned. Ceaser nodded and grinned back. Finally, this would be over. All four of them turned back to Bagan, who had began to speed up his angry hobble to a furious trudge. In a few seconds, the paralysis would wear off completely. They had to work quick.
"Baragon, now!" Ceaser ordered. Baragon obeyed, quickly dropping the orb-like device on the ground. As Bagan saw this, his eyes widened, and he stopped for a brief moment. As he was distracted, Mothra stepped in front of them. In a flash of light, her two fairy guardians appeared behind Bagan. They gasped as they saw him. He looked back at them, and knew exactly what was about to happen. Mothra prepared to begin her speech. In the past, she had only used it for Battra, but now she was using it for another purpose. There was only one problem.
"Um... where am I banishing him to again?" Mothra whispered.
"Mt. Rausu." Ceaser whispered back. Mothra nodded and cleared her throat. She took a step foreword, drawing Bagan's attention once more. He didn't find her as attractive this time, which made Mothra happy. She continued her speech.
"Bagan, Spirit of Evil," she began, "For your crimes against Earth and all who inhabit it, I hereby banish you to... Mt. Rausu for all eternity."
As the Shobijin heard her say this, they nodded and pointed at Bagan. He began to roar in protest, until the two fairies shot two chains made of pure light out of their fingers which shackled themselves onto Bagan's wrists. The orb-like device suddenly opened up, and the light chains became attached to the inside. The Shobijin disappeared. The orb became a massive pillar of fire shooting up into the sky, and the light chains began to drag Bagan inside.
"Is that normal?" Godzilla asked, shouting over the noise and shielding his eyes with his arms to protect from the heat and light of the flames.
"Don't worry." Ceaser assured, doing the same as Godzilla. "It's simply a portal into the volcano. Once Bagan goes through, he won't be coming out any time soon." Bagan could hear them say this.
"No... NO!" He roared. He resisted against the chains, trying to get away from the fire pillar, but to no avail. There was no escape. Ceaser, however, wanted to be sure.
"He's resisting the pull." He said. "Godzilla, I need you to..."
"Don't worry." Godzilla said, interrupting Ceaser and brandishing his katana. "I know what to do." Ceaser nodded, signalling him to attack. Godzilla ran at Bagan, who had actually started pulling the chains away from the portal. Godzilla had to act quickly. Bagan looked at Godzilla, his face full of anger. He had been holding himself back before, but now he was completely free of his mental barriers. The only emotion left in his mind was pure and unadulterated rage and hatred.
"I will to kill you." Bagan snarled. "I will kill all of you! You will never escape my wrath!!"
"Oh, shut up." Godzilla responded with a cocky smirk. He closed the gap between them and stabbed his sword into Bagan's chest. He only meant to catch Bagan off guard, assuming it wouldn't pierce his armour. However, to the surprise of both of them, the blade penetrated Bagan's armour and shot through his back, a spray of dark red blood erupting from the wound. Bagan screamed in rage and pain. Godzilla knocked him off his feet, making the chains drag him into the portal. Once he disappeared into the flames, the pillar extinguished and the orb closed. Godzilla panted in shock. The others were in the same state, except for Ceaser, who had seen all of this before. He turned to Mothra, and she looked up at him.
"Mothra, could you show us Mt. Rausu?" He asked.
"Y-yeah, of course." She replied. She waved her hands, a blue window appeared between them, showing Mt. Rausu. Nothing was happening, until a bright streak of fire shot through the sky. They could see it fly around for a few seconds until it dove straight down into the mouth of the volcano. About a second later, the volcano exploded in flames, sending a shockwave that they could hear from the island. They all knew what had just happened.
"Is he... gone?" Godzilla asked.
"Yes. Bagan is trapped. Forever." Ceaser smiled.
The didn't have time to celebrate, however, as they heard another voice behind them, sounding just as angry as Bagan had before. It was Dogolas, who was still surrounded by the others.
"You... idiots!" Dogolas hissed. "Do you have any idea what you've done!?"
"What we usually do." Godzilla said. "Beat bad guys and save the world."
"And look good doing it." Mothra added. She and Godzilla high-fived without looking.
"You've ruined my plans!" Dogolas continued. He began to approach Godzilla. Some of the others tried to attack him, but he fended them all off his his tendrils.
"My base was in that volcano." Dogolas continued. "It erupted when you trapped Bagan in it! All of my plans, all of my technology and tools, even those two clones, they're all destroyed!"
Godzilla shrugged. "Welcome to Earth. We don't exactly play by the same rules."
Dogolas' anger grew. He quickly formed a new plan. But this was not a plan for conquest. It was a plan for his revenge.
"Very well then." Dogolas said. "I shall play by your rules. And now, it's my turn."
He opened his cape from the side, and another tendril shot out. This was not a large tendril, however. It was long, but extremely thin, about a centimetre in diameter, and very sharp at the end. Without warning, the tendril shot at Godzilla and into his forehead.

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