Chapter 2: Bad Blood

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After a few hours in the boat, they finally reached a small island in the middle of the ocean. The tracking device told them they were approaching an unknown location; no name, no information.
"Are you sure we're in the right place?" Godzilla asked.
"Positive. He'll be here." Baragon said.
They docked on the shore, and ventured onto land. The island was mostly jungle, even more so than Monster Island. Suddenly, a bright streak sped across the sky and crashed onto the island.
"Another meteor?" Godzilla asked.
"Let's go find out." Baragon said.
They ran into the jungle, until they heard sounds of a struggle, and then fighting sounds. One of the meteor creatures flew past them and into a tree. It had no head, and dissolved as it hit the ground.
"That was probably caused by the guy we're looking for." Baragon said.
"Well, at least he knows what he's doing." Godzilla replied. They parted some leaves and bushes, until they finally found their target. They could only see him from the back for now. He wore a bright turquoise sleeveless kung-fu outfit with golden trim. Despite the nature of his outfit, kung-fu was not part of his fighting style, which was a flurry of kicks, punches, and chops. There weren't many creatures, so they were all defeated pretty quickly. The one fighting the creatures straightened his stance and cracked his neck, still keeping his back to Godzilla and Baragon.
"I know you're there." He said, startling them. "You can stop spying."
"Wait... I know that voice." Godzilla said. Their target laughed once through his nose.
"And I know yours." He said. He spun around to face them. "It's been a while, Godzilla."
"Manda!?" Godzilla said. He was correct. It was Manda, an old enemy/ally of his.
"I see you two have met." Baragon said.
"Indeed." Manda replied. "Godzilla, the last time I saw you, you were frozen in ice."
"Last time I saw you, you were dead." Godzilla retorted. Then again, if half his army could come back from the dead, it would make sense for Manda to do the same.
"Tell me, are you still defending and caring for those pathetic humans?" Manda asked. Godzilla furrowed his brow. Manda didn't care much for humans, and he made a point to voice his opinions to anyone he met.
"Oh right, I forgot why I didn't like you." Godzilla said. "It's because you're constantly riding on a high horse."
"And what's that supposed to mean?" Manda asked. He began to approach Godzilla.
"How about I show you?" Godzilla growled. He began to approach Manda. Baragon quickly stepped in between them before they could reach each other.
"Okay guys, c'mon, we don't need to start a fight." He said.
"He's right." Godzilla said. "Listen, Manda, we need your help to fight Bagan, who we think isn't alone."
Manda knew who Bagan was, but not first hand. He knew exactly what was at stake.
"Is that so?" He asked. "Well, if Bagan is back, the creatures who came from the meteor definitely did not originate from him." He thought for a few seconds, before responding. "Alright, I'll help. It makes sense that you'd need my help anyway."
Godzilla rolled his eyes. "Do we really need him?" He complained.

Monster Island

Back on Monster Island, the others were busy fighting the hordes of creatures that had came from the meteor. After Godzilla and Baragon left, three more meteors had crashed, expelling even more creatures. They were being overwhelmed. Some of the creatures were larger than others, with a dark blue shimmering rock-like exterior acting as armour, especially around the head and neck areas, making it harder to attack their heads. Rodan was in a dogfight with 5 flying creatures, each with their arms morphed into gun-like weapons firing rock projectiles. Rodan managed to dodge most of them, but one of them hit him in the leg, making him lose his altitude a little bit.
"These thing are a lot tougher than before." He mentioned. Another few projectiles were launched at him. He thought quickly, and spun around in the air, kicking one of the rocks back at the creature who fired it. It hit him right in the head, knocking it completely off. The creatures body fell, making the other creatures stop and look down at it. They had a small level of sentience, but evidently, they were easily distracted. When they looked back to Rodan, he was gone. He had actually escaped the creatures, and landed next to Anguirus. He was fighting a much larger creature. This one was about twice his size and massively built, covered in rock-like armour. Its eyes were not white like the other creatures, but instead a bright green. This was definitely a different breed.
"Need any help with this guy?" Rodan asked, getting into a fighting stance.
"Yeah, probably." Anguirus answered.
The armoured creature swung his arm down, narrowly missing Rodan, who backflipped to dodge out of the way. The creature then swung his arm to the side, hitting Anguirus and sending him flying. Luckily, he got back to his feet, pulling out his hammer. He then jumped into the air swung the hammer at the creatures head, but was blocked by the armour. Meanwhile, Rodan had landed on the creatures shoulder and tried to chip away at the armour with his swords. The creature noticed this and knocked him away, but this distracted him from Anguirus, who took another swing at the creatures head. The armour cracked, but didn't do much else.
"Geez, this thing is unbreakable!" Anguirus said.
"He's like a tank crossed with a gorilla." Rodan said. "Any ideas on how to beat him?"
"Run." Anguirus replied, noting that the creature had raised his arm, with intent to swing it down at them.

At the same time, Mothra, Battra, and Leo were fighting a massive horde of creatures. In addition to the regular ones and larger ones, there were also some smaller ones. Each were about a few feet tall, and their eyes were red rather than white or green. They ran fast and attacked just as quickly with thin razor-sharp claws. These small creatures was almost too much for Mothra and her brothers. One of the creatures jumped on Battra's back and started clawing at him. Mothra turned to him and on impulse stuck her hand out to reach for him. To her amazement, a bright beam of purple plasma shot out, hitting the creature and knocking off its head.
"Uh... thanks." Battra said, also amazed by his sisters new power.
"Did... did I do that?" She asked, gazing at her hand. Another creature jumped at her. She shot out her hand again, shooting another beam. This time it was a beam of bright blue lightning, shocking the creature attacking her, as well as a few other creatures behind them.
"It looks like you have some new powers now after your rebirth." Leo suggested.
"I did need to absorb a lot of energy in order to come back." Mothra agreed. "I guess it had some side effects."
She shot a few more beams of lightning and plasma at the creatures, clearing a good amount of ground around them. She started to feel a lot of energy build up inside her, but this was a different type of energy than what she was used to. It felt amazing, as if she was experiencing absolute euphoria. She started smiling, then after a while, she started to laugh. Leo was beginning to get concerned.
"Mothra, are you alright?" He asked.
"Oh, I'm fine. In fact, I feel really good right now." She said, still laughing. Suddenly, she stopped laughing as her eyes widened. She looked like she was excited about something she had just realized. "Wait... I have an idea."
She closed her eyes tightly, and after a while, she started to glow. Leo's concern continued to grow. Even Battra was confused.
"Wait, what's going on?" Battra asked.
"Okay, Mothra, you need to stop this." Leo said, sternly. He was starting to realize what was going on. She was drunk with her newfound power. She still didn't stop. Leo kept trying to talk her down, but she continued glowing brighter and brighter. She began to float into the air as small flames and bolts of energy began to circle her being. Suddenly, she opened her eyes, which were now an intense glowing white.
"You might want to duck." She said. Leo and Battra did as they were told. With her warning, Mothra threw her arms out, releasing all of her stored energy as massive arcs of fire. All of the meteor creatures were obliterated by the flames, including the big one Rodan and Anguirus were fighting. Luckily the fire missed Leo, Battra, and everyone else. After a few minutes, the entire field was cleared. Mothra landed on the ground on her feet, but her eyes were still closed. The glowing light around her faded. The others eventually realized what had happened and rushed over to see her.
"Mothra, that was awesome!" Anguirus said. "What was that?" Mothra didn't respond. She just stood there motionless, besides opening her eyes half way.
"Are you alright Mothra?" Ceaser asked.
Suddenly, Mothra went completely limp as her eyes rolled back into her head. She would have hit the ground hard if it wasn't for Leo catching her.
"Whoa, is she okay?" Rodan asked.
"She's passed out from using so much energy." Leo explained. "Her body isn't able to hold and expel such a massive about of energy like that. She'll be fine, but she just needs to rest."
"That was an impressive attack back there." Kong spoke up. "We probably wouldn't have stood a chance against those things if she hadn't done that."
The others agreed. Suddenly, they heard a large crash from the other side of the island. After a while, Varan flew in from where the crash was heard. He landed in front of Anguirus and Rodan.
"Guys, you need to see this." He said.

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