Chapter 10: The Trap

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Finally, Godzilla, Anguirus, Rodan and Manda arrived back on the island. They were all groggy and sore from spending the night in the tent. Godzilla still thought about how they left the island, with the others fighting a huge wave of meteor creatures.
"I hope the others had better luck than we did." Godzilla said.
"Speaking of which, where is everyone?" Rodan asked. Normally Mothra, Ceaser, or at least someone would be there to greet them when they got back.
"Well, it is pretty early in the morning." Anguirus yawned. "Maybe they're all still asleep."
"Maybe..." Godzilla thought out loud. Something caught his eye, making him instinctively turn his head towards it. "Wait, what's that?" He asked.
The others turned to where Godzilla was facing just in time to see a flash of white armour in the forest, accompanied by loud footsteps. They all knew who it was.
"It's Bagan!" Anguirus said.
"He must have gotten here before we did." Manda assumed.
"Now's our chance." Godzilla said, drawing his katana. "C'mon!"
They all followed him into the forest. They could see Bagan somewhat clearly now, but he didn't notice them. He was walking somewhere, and the others followed. While they ran fast, somehow none of them were able to catch up to him. Finally, they reached the outskirts of the forest, and made it into the open field. Bagan had somehow disappeared.
"What the... where'd he go?" Rodan asked.
Suddenly, they all saw something. A large metal dome sat in the middle of the field. It was massive, at least 10 meters across and 2 meters high. None of them had ever seen it before.
"How long has that been there?" Anguirus asked, raising en eyebrow.
"It hasn't." Godzilla said. They four walked up to it. The dome was smooth, and completely covered in a silver exterior. It looked like a single solid piece of metal. Rodan knocked on it. The sound resounded off the inside walls, revealing that the dome was hollow. But he also heard something else. It was muffled and muted, but he could still hear it. It sounded like yelling, almost like someone screaming for help.
"It sounds like there's something inside." He stated. Godzilla put his ear to the metal of the dome. He heard the same thing. There was definitely something inside.
"No... not something..." He stated. "Someone."
The others eyes widened as they realized what Godzilla meant. Just as the realization hit them, three long black tendrils shot out of nowhere and grabbed Rodan, Anguirus, and Manda, holding them in the air. For some reason, they left Godzilla alone. He turned around, looking for the source of the tendrils. Finally, he found it. Dogolas stood a few feet away from him, with the tendrils sticking out of his back. Of course, Godzilla didn't know who he was yet. He brandished his katana in a threatening manner.
"Who the hell are you, and what did you do with my friends?" He yelled. Dogolas did not answer. Instead, he gestured back to the dome. Godzilla watched as the silver plating opened up and receded into the ground, revealing a cage seemingly made of purple strands of light. He wasn't interested in that, though. He was focusing on what was inside. As he suspected, everyone left on the island was trapped inside. Anguirus, Rodan, and Manda were also dropped inside the laser cage with the others. Anguirus immediately stood up.
"Okay, what's going on?" Anguirus asked, looking around the cage. "And who is that guy?"
"His name is Dogolas." Mothra explained. "He drugged us and trapped us in this cage. I think he's using us as bait from Godzilla."
"I wonder... he might be the one Bagan was working with." Manda thought.
"Well, why don't we go find out?" Rodan said. He pulled out his swords and hit the walls of the cage. Nothing happened, except for a few sparks. Again and again he hit the walls, and every time absolutely nothing happened.
"There's no way out." Zilla confirmed.
"Don't touch the cage either." Baragon added. "It's made of lasers. It'll burn you pretty bad."
Rodan and the others heeded the warning. Meanwhile, Godzilla and Dogolas still stood outside. Godzilla held his katana up, aiming it at Dogolas. It was his main threatening stance.
"I'll ask you one more time." He ordered. "Who the hell are you?"
Instead of answering, Dogolas held up and hand and flexed his fingers in a "bring it on" motion. Godzilla gritted his teeth and ran at Dogolas, about to attack, but right as he reached Dogolas, he was suddenly blinded by a white blur. Then he was struck with a heavy sharp object and flung back and to the ground. When he got up, he saw Bagan again, this time standing in front of Dogolas. He had just struck Godzilla with a plasma blade, which he retracted with a sinister smirk on his face.
"This is Dogolas." Bagan explained. "He is the mastermind I have allied myself with."
"Pleased to make your acquaintance." Dogolas nodded. Godzilla was in no mood to converse. He stood back up and held his Katana once more.
"I don't need your small talk." He snarled. "Tell me what you two want or I'll slit you up the middle." Both Dogolas and Bagan laughed evilly, infuriating Godzilla even more. Dogolas stepped foreword.
"You are in no position to make threats, my friend." He said. "You don't seem to know what I'm capable of. I could kill you faster than you could swing that sword of yours. I have the advantage, not you."
Godzilla gritted his teeth in rage. "Don't act so cocky." He snapped. "You definitely don't know what I'm capable of either. I've beat people way more powerful than you."
"Is that so?" Dogolas asked. "Well then, I suppose I'm not completely unreasonable. I'll give you a fighting chance."
"What do you mean?" Godzilla asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I'm only suggesting a deal." Dogolas explained. He gestured behind him, where Godzilla could now see Rokmutul and Pterodactyl. They were out of their mech suits now, and walked up next to Dogolas and Bagan. Dogolas continued to explain.
"If you can defeat these two clones with no help," he explained, "then I will set your allies free and leave Earth forever. However..." As he said this, the cage began to buzz. Everyone inside began to look around in surprise and fear.
"What's happening now?" Mothra asked.
Komi looked down at the base of the cage, where the laser streams met the ground. They were slowly moving closer.
"The walls... they... they're getting smaller!" She exclaimed.
It was true. Slowly but surely, the cage was shrinking around them. Luckily, there was still a lot of space between them and the walls. It would be a few minutes before the walls got within a foot from them.
"I suggest you work quickly, or else your friends may not survive." Dogolas said.
Godzilla looked at the cage, and everyone huddling together inside, trying to get as far away from the walls as possible. Then he looked at Rokmutul, who was slowly approaching him while bouncing his hammer in his hand. Godzilla smirked.
"Please. This'll be too easy." He said.

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