Chapter 11: The Escape

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Godzilla had fought Anguirus many times. While these fights were usually nothing more than sparring matches, they both treated them like real battles. Godzilla usually won. Fighting Rokmutul was almost like fighting Anguirus, but not nearly as challenging. Rokmutul was more reckless and less calculated than Anguirus. He attacked without thinking. This gave Godzilla an advantage. He was able to dodge Rokmutul's wild hammer swings and attack him when he saw an opening. It was just as easy as he thought it would be. He dodged another swing, and kicked Rokmutul in the side, sending him down to the ground. He turned to Dogolas.
"This is what you call a challenge?" He mocked. Dogolas scowled under his mask at the insult.
"You want a challenge? Fine." He hissed. He raised his hand, somehow making the laser cage shrink slightly faster. Godzilla quickly looked over to the cage, where the others were cheering him on.
"Focus, Godzilla!" Mothra called from inside the cage.
"And hurry up!" Rodan called. Godzilla nodded and turned his attention back to Rokmutul, who had just gotten back up. His face was contorted in rage. He ran at Godzilla, holding his hammer high over his head, ready to shatter Godzilla's skull with it. As he brought it down, Godzilla swung upwards with his sword, hitting the hammer on the handle. He sliced it completely in half. Once Rokmutul realized this, his face went from rage to surprise. Godzilla smirked at Dogolas, who rolled his eyes behind his compound lenses.
"That's enough." He said. He waved his hand again. As he did this, Rokmutul was surrounded by a blue light and teleported back to Dogolas' base. Dogolas then turned to Pterodactyl and nodded, signalling him to attack Godzilla. Pterodactyl grinned and rushed at Godzilla while brandishing his swords. Godzilla had expected Pterodactyl to fight a bit differently from Rodan, but as it turned out he was pretty much the same, though much faster. He attacked over and over again without taking a break or stopping, forcing Godzilla to block while he looked for an opening. This was much more of a challenge than Rokmutul, and Dogolas knew this.
"Victory will be in our grasp soon enough." He hissed. Bagan, however, was not as pleased.
"You are forgetting something." He growled.
"And what would that be?" Dogolas pondered.
"Only the entire reason for our partnership." Bagan continued. "I was to be the one to kill Godzilla, as you promised. Or did this slip your 'superior' mind?"
Dogolas paused for a moment. In truth, he had forgotten.
"Hm... I suppose it did." Dogolas muttered. "My mistake."
He waved his hand once more, teleporting Pterodactyl back to his base. Godzilla gave them a confused look.
"Change of plans." Dogolas explained.
"Wait a second, that wasn't the deal!" Godzilla replied. "You said if I defeated both Rokmutul and Pterodactyl, you would set my friends free. How am I supposed to do that if Pterodactyl is gone?"
"The deal is still on." Dogolas explained. "But as I said, there has been a change of plans. I will keep my side of the deal and set your friends free. However..."
"You must first defeat me." Bagan said. He jumped into the air and formed another plasma blade, thrusting it down at Godzilla as he landed. Godzilla dodged and rolled out of the way. He swung his sword around and aimed it at Bagan, firing a barrage of atomic blasts. They all hit Bagan in the chest as he walked towards him, but they did little more than slow him down slightly. Once he reached him, he grabbed Godzilla by the throat and tossed him to the side. Luckily, he managed to roll back up to his feet and readied himself for battle.
"This is pointless, Godzilla." Bagan said, crossing his arms. "Just give up already."
Godzilla yelled in anger and rushed at Bagan, sword first. The blade simply bounced off of Bagan's armour and flew out of Godzilla's hand. While he was distracted, Bagan swung his powerful arm at Godzilla, hitting him in the stomach and sending him to the ground. 
"I don't... get it." Godzilla muttered. "What is going on? Why can't I defeat you?!" He got up and punched at Bagan, who caught his fist before it reached him. He then crushed Godzilla's hand with a sickening crack. Godzilla yelled in pain through clenched teeth. While a broken hand would heal in less than a minute, it still hurt. A lot.
"I can answer that." Bagan said. "I know of your past enemies. Ghidorah was powerful, but far too confident." He punched Godzilla in the chest, and then in the face, sending him stumbling back. Luckily, he was right next to his sword. He quickly picked it up and got ready to fight once more. Bagan still continued to talk.
"SpaceGodzilla was intelligent, but relied far too much on technology." He continued. "Desghidorah was powerful as well, but none of them are even close to my level. That is why you can't beat me. Simply because I am far more powerful than anyone you have faced before."
Godzilla had one last ace up his sleeve. He knew it wouldn't be safe, but it was his last hope. He closed his eyes and gave himself over to the atomic energy inside his body. When he opened his eyes again, they were glowing red hot. His body began to glow and smoke as well. He had succumbed to his burning form. Bagan simply shook his head and smirked.
"Such a cheap tactic. How pathetic." He said.
Godzilla rushed foreword, trying to keep his burning form in check. He jumped up and swung his glowing red sword down at Bagan... who caught the blade in his hand. He chuckled darkly.
"What are you..." Godzilla began. He didn't get a chance to finish the question, as he slowly began to feel the burning energy flow out of his body. He went completely limp, though his hands were still clenched tight around the swords handle. Bagan was completely draining him, not just of the burning atomic energy, but of almost all the energy in his body. Once all the energy was drained, Bagan dropped him to the ground. He tried to get back up, but his arms were not strong enough. He felt weak. He hated that feeling. Bagan stood over him in a gloating manner.
"You have failed, Godzilla." He said. He gave Godzilla a kick to the face, breaking his nose. Normally it would have healed almost immediately, but his healing ability required a large amount of energy, so it stayed broken.
"Not only have you failed at defeating me," Bagan continued, "but you've failed your army, you've failed at saving the world, and you've failed at meeting my expectations."
"Again, I really don't give a shit about your expectations." Godzilla growled. He spat blood as he said this.
"It's a shame really." Bagan continued, ignoring him. "You could have been a great warrior, even better than your father. Possibly even better than me. Instead, you've become this waste of a Kaiju. Pathetic." He raised his arm, extending out a long plasma blade.
"If I'm such a waste of a Kaiju," Godzilla snarled, managing to prop himself up on one arm, "then why are you wasting your time trying to kill me?"
"To prove I'm better than you will ever be." Bagan smirked. "Don't try to play mind games with me. At least try to accept your fate with dignity." He raised his arm, aiming the plasma blade at Godzilla's head. "And now, it is finally time for you to die."

"It's hopeless." Mothra sighed. "We're gonna die in here." She and the others observed tha cage around them, which had gotten much smaller during Godzilla and Bagan's fight. They could barley move without at least somebody getting burned. Soon the lasers would shrink too small and slice all them into several pieces. Zilla looked at Komi, who looked just as scared as he and most of the others were.
"Komi, this might be my last chance to say this..." He said. "You probably know this already, but... I love you."
Komi gasped. "Oh, Zilla, I love you too!" She said. She hugged Zilla and kissed him while tears ran down her face. Mothra was confused, as well as some of the others.
"I'm not the only one seeing this, right?" Rodan asked.
"No, you are not." Anguirus replied, scratching his head.
"When did this happen?" Mothra wondered.
As Zilla and Komi broke their kiss, something else crossed everyone's minds. Baragon was nowhere to be found. He wasn't huddled in the middle of the cage, or pushing to get away from the walls. He was gone.
"Where'd Baragon go?" Battra asked.
"Maybe the lasers got to him?" Rodan guessed. But he knew that wasn't it. Suddenly, the ground began to crumble beneath their feet, as if there was a tiny earthquake contained in the small space underneath them. As the dirt completely gave out, they all fell into an underground cave, with the only light coming from the large hole left in the ground. It allowed them to see everything. The cave was large, but still a little snug with all of them in it. Everyone was extremely confused but stayed silent, until they heard a familiar voice.
"Hello, everyone." It was Baragon, who was also in the cave. Once everyone saw him, they realized what had happened. Baragon had somehow dug a hole underground unnoticed by any of them, and luckily unnoticed by Bagan and Dogolas. He had saved all of them.
"Baragon, you absolute genius!" Ceaser said. The others agreed.
"Thank you, but we really don't have time to chat." Baragon said. "Godzilla's about to die up there, and we gotta help him."
The others nodded in agreement. Baragon motioned for them to follow him, and lead them to a long tunnel. It lead in an upward diagonal path, starting out level to the ground and eventually steepening until they were almost hanging off the sides. Each of them climbed up the dark, narrow pathway, and finally reached the top.
"I haven't dug all the way up yet." Baragon explained. He brandished his hand shovels and began to dig furiously, accidentally spraying everyone beneath him with dirt and mud. Nobody complained. For the time being, they were dedicated to Baragon's leadership. After about a minute, the tunnel filled with light, signalling that Baragon had broken through the ground. He put away his hand shovels and climbed through the mouth of the tunnel, helping the others out as well. They were only a small distance away from where they once were. Luckily, neither Bagan or Dogolas realized they were gone.
"Okay, here's the plan." Baragon began. "Ceaser, Mothra, you two have some experience with Bagan, right?"
"Yes, I do." Ceaser nodded.
"I only know what my mother told me." Mothra admitted.
"Still, you know more about him than most of us, aside from myself." Baragon continued. Manda cleared his throat, drawing attention to him.
"Excuse me, but I've fought him as well." He announced.
"Yeah. But you lost." Baragon said. Manda crossed his arms and huffed, going back to the rest of the group. Bargon continued.
"Anyway, the others and I will try to distract Bagan and Dogolas from Godzilla for a little while." He said. "While we're doing that, Mothra will heal Godzilla with her powers. Then Mothra, Ceaser, and I will help Godzilla get rid of Bagan once and for all. Everyone understand?"
The others nodded in agreement. Now it was time to put that plan into action.

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