Chapter 4: The Cloning

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Inside Mt. Rausu

The volcano the once held Bagan trapped now served as a base of operation for him and Dogolas. Smooth, shiny, metallic walls surrounded the inside, while the lava flowed freely through the centre of the room in a glass tube. Monitors and screens lined the walls, with holographic keyboards floating statically underneath them. Dogolas was currently explaining himself and his history to Bagan.
"I came up with my plan many years ago." He explained. "It took me that long to plan out every conceivable outcome and complication. I started building this base after that."
"You built this entire base while I was trapped here?" Bagan asked. "How did I not notice?"
"Well, you were asleep at the time." Dogolas said. Bagan didn't fully understand, but went along with it. A hatch suddenly opened up on one of the walls, and the two syringes that had attacked Rodan and Anguirus flew in. They landed safely in Dogolas' hands, and the insect-like wings retracted.
"Remind me again, why did you need their blood?" Bagan asked.
"It's quite simple." Dogolas began. He placed the syringes into the sockets of a computing machine, which was hooked up to two massive metal capsules affixed to the wall. "You and I are powerful by ourselves, Bagan, but against Godzilla's army, there is a small chance of failure." He continued. "I am simply making up for those odds. I needed the blood of Anguirus and Rodan to do so."
"Who are these 'Anguirus' and 'Rodan' you speak of?" Bagan asked.
"They're two members of Godzilla's army." Dogolas explained. "According to my research, the three of them are good friends. Rodan can fly, and Anguirus has super powered strength. Now if you'll excuse me..."
As he said this, he began pressing a few buttons on a holographic keypad that had appeared in front of him. The keyboard was suddenly replaced by two symbols that looked like a circle surrounded by a C type shape, with a small circle inside of it. Dogolas pressed a finger onto the small circle and dragged it down the C shape, and then pressed the large circle, which then turned from blue to red, accompanied by a beeping noise. The metal capsules began to glow and make a low humming noise. The blood in the syringes flowed out of them and into the machine. Dogolas pulled a lever on the machine, and the capsules began to spark and shake. The light inside the capsule on the left was green, while the one on the right was blue. Finally, after a few minutes, and the capsules stopped glowing and shaking. The doors on the capsules flew open. Inside the capsules were two humanoid beings. But these were definitely hot human. The one on the right resembled Anguirus, but with grey hair, grey skin which was slightly covered in scales, and black claws covering his fingertips. The one on the left resembled Rodan, but with green hair, pale, rough, almost snake-like skin, and slightly longer claws. They were wearing the same style of jumpsuit, though in different colours. They opened their eyes, revealing them to be solid black. Bagan could see that their teeth were also sharp, like his. He turned to Dogolas.
"What is the meaning of this?" He asked.
"They're clones. Replicas of Anguirus and Rodan." Dogolas explained. Bagan eyed the two clones, who were now starting to move around and observe their surroundings. They obviously had a higher level of sentience than Dogolas' meteor creatures, though they would still need to be taught certain things. He doubted they could speak either.
"Interesting. Do they have names?" Bagan asked.
"Yes. I call Anguirus' clone Rokmutul, and Rodan's clone Pterodactyl." Dogolas continued.
Bagan furrowed his brow. "Well, If Anguirus' hair is anything like Rokmutul's, it looks absolutely ridiculous."
"Agreed." Dogolas said.

Monster Island

It was morning now. The island was finally rid of meteor creatures, but much of the area had been damaged. Trees were cracked and broken, and debris from the meteors landing was scattered all over the place. Godzilla had arrived on the shore, along with Baragon, Manda, and Komodithrax. They all looked around the former battlefield.
"This place is a mess." Manda said with a sneer, absentmindedly kicking a piece of debris.
"It's not usually like this." Godzilla explained. "Like I said before, when I left, everyone was fighting a bunch of those meteor creatures. I just hope nothing too bad happened." They heard sound of running from off in the distance. Godzilla turned his head to see Anguirus and Rodan running up to them, sweating and nervously panting.
"Geez, guys, what's wrong?" Godzilla asked.
"So much crazy stuff happened while you were gone!" Rodan panted. "We fought a big stone gorilla creature, then Mothra kind of freaked out a bit..."
"Then she killed all the meteor creatures with fire and passed out," Anguirus continued, "Then me and Rodan got our blood sucked by robot mosquitos!"
"Well, they were flying syringes, but yeah." Rodan corrected.
"Huh... where is everyone else?" Godzilla asked.
"Their off recovering from the last battle, except for Ceaser." Rodan said. "He left a little while before you showed up. Said he needed to find some sort of... well, he didn't say. But he said it would help to stop Bagan." He then noticed the rest of the group, finally locking his gaze on Manda.
"Aww, man. I knew you guys were gonna get some new recruits, but I didn't think you meant him!" He groaned.
"Great. Now we have to deal with captain buzz-kill until this Bagan guy is dead." Anguirus grumbled.
"Nice to see you too, imbeciles." Manda insulted. Rodan and Anguirus chose to ignore him, and instead moved their attentions to Komodithrax.
"Who're you?" Rodan asked.
"Komodithrax, but you can call me Komi." She said. "Godzilla and Baragon asked me to come here and help fight Bagan. I'm here to help in any way I can."
Before she could elaborate further, Zilla came running up to them.
"Glad you guys are back." He said. "Another meteor just crashed. Luckily, there aren't nearly as many creatures as last time so it should... be... easy..." He lost his train of thought as he caught sight of Komodithrax. Something about her made him feel strange. Maybe it was the way the rising sun hit her brunette ponytail, making it seem to gleam like glass. Or maybe it was the way she stood, with her back slightly arched and a single hand on her hip, the other hanging limp and carelessly to the side, making her look sassy but approachable. Zilla didn't know the reason, but what he did know right away was that he had a crush. Komi noticed his stare, raising a confused eyebrow.
"Um... hello?" She asked.
"Zilla, are you alright?" Godzilla asked, waving a hand in front of his face. Zilla quickly shook his head to snap himself out of his trance.
"Uh, yeah, I'm... fine." He said. "Anyway, we should go now."
Godzilla nodded and followed Zilla to where the creatures were. Komi and the others followed as well. When they got to the meteor, they saw Ceaser, Varan, and Kong fighting a small group of creatures. They were nothing like before, these ones were much weaker. Komi smirked and chuckled.
"These are the creatures you were talking about?" She asked. "To easy."
She pulled a short sword off of her back and gave it a few practice swings. It looked like Zilla's sword, but a bit thinner and longer. She ran into the battle, instinctively slashing at the necks of the creatures. Their head rolled off as the bodies dissolved. The meteor began to excrete more goo, forming even more creatures. Komodithrax's smirk faded.
"This would be easier if I had two swords." She muttered. Zilla took notice of this. He pulled out his own sword and tossed it to her.
"Here, catch!" He shouted. Komi heard him and spun around, catching the sword in her other hand as she did so. She looked back at Zilla and winked at him.
"Thanks, dude." She said. Zilla blushed and looked away. Godzilla and the others also ran into the battle, and Zilla followed as well, having snapped out of his trance again. Manda somehow manifested a quarterstaff out of thin air. Godzilla noticed this and put on a surprised expression.
"How did you do that?" Godzilla asked.
"The same way you summoned that Mana blade of yours." Manda replied. While this wasn't a complete explanation, it was enough for Godzilla to understand. Manda turned his attantion back to the meteor creatures. He swung his staff around easily, almost as if it was part of his arm. As demonstrated before, he had his own strange fighting style which resembled a mix of karate, kung-fu, and tai-chi, striking both gracefully and viciously, with pretty intense speed as well. Komi was no stranger to battle as well. She had given Zilla back his sword, but even with just one blade she could handle herself easily. She swung the sword and flipped it around in her hand in several swift motions, all at the same time. Godzilla was impressed by his new recruits. Within a short while, all the creatures were defeated. Komi wiped her brow.
"That was fun. Are there any more?" She asked. Manda glared at her.
"Fun? Fun has nothing to do with this." He said. "We are here to save the world, not to have fun."
"Captain buzz-kill strikes again." Rodan muttered. Anguirus chuckled to himself. Manda glared back at the two.
"I heard that, you imbeciles." He said through clenched teeth.
"And what're you gonna do about it?" Anguirus mocked, obviously trying to start something. Godzilla stepped in between the two before they could start throwing hands. He had just remembered something.
"Wait a minute, guys." He said. "What did you say earlier about Mothra?"

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