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Camila had never been so impatient in her life. Knee bouncing up and down rapidly; hands fidgeting on her lap; lip being chewed on eagerly – she couldn't keep still. But it wasn't only her. The other four fifths of Fifth Harmony couldn't stop moving either. Some of them even resorted to pacing up and down the small box room they were confined to once arriving at the airport.

"Can you stop that?" Lauren snapped, breaking the silence and narrowing her eyes at Dinah who was pacing up and down.

Dinah stopped her pacing and crossed her arms, facing the antsy raven-haired girl. "It's better than sitting there and doing nothing, Lo."

Lauren looked up from her fidgeting fingers and exhaled loudly. She knew Dinah was right. They had been waiting in that same room for about half an hour. Apparently, the police were speaking with Big Rob and organising the plans of where they would all be hiding. That, and Big Rob had called their families to the airport to say goodbye.

None of the girls were too keen on leaving their families behind. Who would be? They already rarely got to see them, and for family-oriented people, they knew it would be hard for the upcoming hideout plans.

A loud knocking brought the girls out of their thoughts, and those who weren't already pacing around, immediately shot out of their seats and looked to whoever was entering the small room.

A relatively tall man dressed in a suit and holding a briefcase walked in the room, with Big Rob following close behind. They both stopped in front of the girls and sent them weary smiles. The tall man ran his hands though his dirty blonde hair before smiling a little more energetically this time, the wrinkles by his eyes betraying his age. Yet, he seemed to pull of the whole 'ageing wisely' look.

"It's nice to meet you ladies," he began, holding out his hand for them to shake. "I'm Detective Philips."

Normani, who was the closest to the older man, raised out her hand and grasped his firmly, shaking it slowly. "I'm Normani. And this is Lauren, Ally, Camila, and Dinah." She motioned to her bandmates who were smiling weakly at the man, their eyes giving away their impatience.

"I'm sure you're all probably very confused and tired right now, so I think we should start by taking a seat and explaining everything. Sound good?" His face shared one of apology and he genuinely felt bad for the girls' situation.

The girls couldn't find it in them to speak, so they nodded and took a seat on the extremely uncomfortable metal chairs they had been seated on since arrival. Detective Philips grabbed a nearby chair and plonked himself on it, opposite the girls. Big Rob remained standing by the door and watched the conversation that was about to unfold before him.

"Right, so you girls are aware of the people chasing you," he began, making eye contact with each and every one of them momentarily before moving on to the next. "Well, we, as in the police, need to start an investigation on who these people are and what they want with you."

The girls nodded as he spoke, to show they were listening. The realisation of the situation hadn't fully dawned on them just yet, but they knew enough to know their lives were in danger.

"We are suggesting that you girls stay with a bodyguard individually, to ensure that you are safe and out of the way for these people to find you," said Philips, but he didn't get chance to finish, because the once-quiet girls now had a million and one questions to fire at him.

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