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Time had passed since Y/N's babysitting job, and Camila expected things to somehow change between them. She thought that as time went on, Y/N would warm up to her, but that did not happen at all. Y/N was comfortable with ignoring her and making her life a misery because it amused her. She didn't know how long Camila would have to live there for, but she hoped it wasn't long.

There was a time that Y/N went to the local shopping mall to pick up a few necessities, and purchase some new sneakers, when she caught sight of a huge sign in a practical joke shop.

50% OFF!!!

A devilish smile appeared on her lips as a cruel yet entertaining plan formed in her mind. That afternoon, she purchased a stink bomb, ready to use on Camila the following day. And indeed, she did just that. 

The next morning, she woke up earlier than both Derek and Camila, so grabbed the stink bomb and sneaked into Camila's bedroom. The door didn't creak which she was grateful for, so she inched further inside and headed to the chest of drawers that was beside the door. Glancing at Camila quickly, to ensure she was fully asleep, she faced the chest of drawers and fixed it so that when Camila next opened the drawer, a chord would be struck and burst the stink bomb, making her whole room stink. The smell would only last a minute or so, but when it hit, the smell would be dreadful.

Once finishing up, she slowly slid the drawer shut and creeped towards the door, being careful to make no sound. However, luck wasn't with her as she managed to hit her knee on the corner of Camila's bed, making it shake slightly. Cursing inwardly, Y/N clutched her knee and glanced at Camila to see if she woke up. Camila, who was fast asleep, changed her sleeping position so she was now facing Y/N's direction, and let out a small, incoherent mumble as she remained still again.

Y/N froze in anticipation, hoping she wouldn't wake up. If she was caught in Camila's room, she would literally be dead meat. After pausing for a minute or so, just to ensure she wouldn't wake up, she let out a breath of relief and stood up straight, dismissing the pain in her knee. 

Before she left however, she noticed that this was actually the second time she had found Camila asleep, and saw that she actually looked quite adorable. Her long, brown hair was messy and sprawled around her head, and she had no makeup on – not that she needed it. Her mouth was slightly agape and she was taking small breaths, in and out, causing her chest to rise and fall gently. Her slim, olive-coloured arms were outside the blanket, and Y/N noticed that she was shivering slightly, due to the window being open.

She didn't know what made her do it, but she crept towards the window and quietly pulled it shut. When she turned to leave, she saw Camila laying still in her bed, still shivering a bit. Not thinking about what she was doing, she pulled the blanket that was covering her, up and over her arms, hoping it would create some warmth. Camila moved again, only slightly, and Y/N froze by her bedside, not daring to breathe the slightest. A small smile grazed Camila's lips, out of comfort of not being cold anymore, and she stayed still as she remained oblivious to Y/N in her room.

Once Y/N was sure that she wouldn't open her eyes, she shook her head to clear her thoughts and made her way to the door silently. Quickly but quietly, she managed to escape the room without being caught. Or so she thought.

"Well, well. What's this?" Derek asked, making Y/N jump out of her skin. When she looked up, she saw her father standing tall with his arms crossed and his foot tapping repeatedly against the floorboards. 

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