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Tick tock. Tick tock. Tick tock.

"Can that clock stop freakin' ticking already?!" Camila snapped, looking up from the chair she sat on.

She felt a hand stroke hers and looked up to see it was Ally smiling sadly. "She'll be okay, Mila. Don't worry."

Y/N had been in surgery for a while, and they were fixing things up in her room before she could be visited. In that time, and the time it took for the ambulance and police to find Camila and Y/N, the other girls of Fifth Harmony managed to get an emergency flight to Chicago to check on Camila. Their families wanted to come, too, due to the police announcing the safety of all the girls now that Rix and Mack were being arrested, but were instructed to remain where they were as the girls would be brought back to them in no time.

Meanwhile, Camila and Derek had been fretting over Y/N. All they knew was that she had lost a lot of blood, and that wasn't exactly the most reassuring information to keep them going on.

"Is your head feeling okay, Camila?" Derek asked Camila, trying to get his mind off his unconscious daughter.

Camila sighed and nodded in response. She had managed to gain a disgusting purple-green bruise on her forehead, from where she had been knocked out the first time, and hit with a gun the next. That was the least of her worries, though. The only person clouding her mind was Y/N, and whether she was okay.

"Family of Y/L/N?"

A doctor walked through the double doors and to the waiting room, where Derek and Fifth Harmony were waiting. At the sound of Y/N's doctor, they all stood up anxiously, waiting for more news.

"You're all the family of Y/F/N?" he asked with a raised eyebrow, tucking his clipboard under his arm securely.

"I'm her father," Derek announced, stepping forward. "These girls are her friends. They can come, too."

The doctor nodded and offered a small smile. "Ah, I see. Well, I am Doctor Kirk, and I am happy to inform you that Y/N is now sleeping comfortably in her room. The surgery went well, and we managed to remove the bullet from her hip, and clean the wound."

Everyone sighed in relief and the girls looked to Camila with a smile, letting her know that it was all okay. The Latina felt herself relax a little bit, but she still wanted to make sure that Y/N was okay with her own eyes.

"She has some internal bruising that will heal over time, and a lot of bruising on her stomach, externally. We did a brain scan and she is perfectly fine, but there will be major pains for her up there. The injuries seemed to have been obtained from physical abuse, possibly from the attackers."

As he spoke, Camila tried not to imagine Y/N getting beat up. She didn't even want to think about the amount of pain she would have gone through, all for her.

"She will need to stay in the hospital for a few weeks and then she can leave, with the help of crutches or a wheelchair, depending on her choice."

"When will she be awake?" Lauren asked for the sake of everyone else. "Like, properly?"

Doctor Kirk pondered that thought before settling on, "I would say a few hours or so. Maybe more. She was pretty woozy when she woke up momentarily after the surgery, so she will definitely need the rest. You can go and visit her now, though. Only three at a time, though."

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