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The girls of Fifth Harmony stared out into the vast crowd, grins permanently glued on their faces. They had just completed yet another show, it being just as successful as the last, and couldn't fight the overwhelming happiness they were feeling at that moment.

"We love you all so much!" the blonde Polynesian yelled into the microphone, waving frantically at the audience, as the other girls were doing, too. "Thank you for coming tonight!"

A wave of clapping spread throughout the crowd, and everyone was cheering and jumping up and down, betraying their excitement. Camila noticed this and laughed into her microphone – she loved watching her and the girls' Harmonizers freak out. After one final bow, the five girls waved goodbye and began to make their way off stage and out of sight of the audience.

"That was by far my favourite concert so far." Ally grinned at her bandmates, still feeling the adrenaline from the concert pumping through her.

Normani let out a chuckle at the overly excited Texan. "Ally, you say that about every concert we do."

The girls laughed as Ally shrugged; they found it adorable that Ally said that, though, because that was just her. She was a literal ball of sunshine to them, and she always appreciated every single concert they did, therefore naming every one as her favourite.

"Does this venue have showers?" Lauren asked once they all stopped laughing. She looked between her bandmates and silently hoped it did.

Depending on the venue they performed at, they sometimes had the luxury of having a shower in their changing room. It was only one shower that they would have to take turns using, but it meant that they could actually have space to move around unlike the one in their tourbus.

"Yes." Dinah nodded, and smiled to herself.

The girls sighed in relief and began to make their way to their shared dressing room. On the way, they thanked any staff members they happened to pass, for helping with tonight's show. Once they arrived, everyone but Camila collapsed on the couch in a big huddle. It was her turn to use the shower first, so she gathered her clothes and went straight there.

After clicking the bathroom door shut, she sighed with relief, glad to finally be alone. It wasn't that she disliked the girls' presence, but this was the only time she would have to herself before heading back on the road.

After making the most of the minute she had to herself, she peeled off her concert clothing, with great difficulty due to her sweat, and jumped in the shower, allowing the the warm water to rush all over her and rinse off the sweat she worked up on stage. She instantly relaxed; all the hard work from the concert was wearing off.

The Reflection tour had been going on for a while now, different legs in different parts of the world. Tonight's concert was one of the last few and she couldn't be anymore relieved. As much as she loved to perform and meet her many fans, she also loved to sleep until it was midday, and eat until her hearts content, too.

After she finished bathing and got dressed, she made her way back into the changing room and saw the girls in the same position, except this time, their eyes were glued to their phones.

"Mani, it's your go." The Cuban yawned, taking her seat on the couch. She pulled out her phone as Normani headed into the bathroom, and began to catch up on any missed texts or calls.

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