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Camila awoke to the sunlight shining through the slit in her curtains. At first, as expected, she was confused to her surroundings. But when everything rushed back to her at once, she remembered where she was. Why she was there. Just because she remembered however, didn't mean she had to like it.

After doing her usual morning routine which consisted of brushing her teeth and getting changed, she went downstairs to make cereal, noticing she had woken up before Derek and Y/N. It took her a while to do so however, due to having absolutely no idea where anything was. After managing without breaking anything, though, she went in the living room to watch TV. It was the only thing she could do whilst she was here, right?

About half an hour later, she heard the stairs creaking as someone walked on them, probably downstairs, she assumed. Her thoughts were correct as it was in fact Y/N who had come downstairs. She went into the kitchen to have some cereal, however, she noticed that the cereal she always had, had been used and not put away properly. Judging from the empty cereal bowl by the sink, she automatically knew that it was Camila who had touched her cereal. Her cereal.

"Were you not taught to put away cereal properly or something?" Y/N immediately said as she walked into the living room with her cereal box in hand.

Camila, who was sat comfortably on the couch watching SpongeBob SquarePants, looked up to see a partially angry Y/N.

"Excuse me?" The Cuban furrowed her eyebrows together with confusion. "What are you talking about?"

Y/N scoffed in disbelief. "Really? Are you kidding me?" Camila didn't respond, and Y/N laughed bitterly at her attempt of playing innocent. "Let me elaborate, Cabello. This is my cereal. Not yours. Now, I don't mind that you ate it, but I do mind that you couldn't put it back in the drawer you found it it."

Camila ignored the harsh attitude resonating from Y/N's voice. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I honestly thought I put it back in the drawer."

"Thought wrong, didn't you?"

Camila breathed heavily through her nose, trying to contain her anger. Don't argue with her. Don't argue with her. "I'll be careful next time. I promise."

Y/N didn't respond, only narrowed her eyes at the singer, before leaving the living room and retreating back to the kitchen with her cereal. Once she left, Camila sank deeper into the couch, her long hair covering her face partially. She didn't think she could handle Y/N's attitude all the time. She knew she would snap one day. But she hoped that that day wouldn't have to come, because maybe, just maybe, Y/N would come around.

Oh, who am I kidding? She hates me!

Too busy with her inner conflict, Camila paid no attention to the sound of Derek heading downstairs and into the living room. Eventually, she looked up and noticed him wearing an expensive-looking suit.

"Hey, Camila!" He smiled brightly. "How was your first night here?"

Pushing her hair out of her eyes, Camila nodded slowly. "Um, yeah. It was fine, thank you."

He nodded and was glad that she had a comfortable night. The last thing she needed was a bad sleep after everything she had been through.

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