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Camila was in her room, crying her eyes out. She put her head in her pillow and let the tears fall freely out. She had been bottling up these feelings ever since, and she was glad to let them come out. Y/N hadn't – not once, treated her with some respect, and just when she had, she put a stink bomb in her room.

After talking with her earlier on, Camila thought that she was actually a good person, just a little scared. But it turned out she was just setting her up so she could pull this. Camila wasn't angry at the stink bomb – no, that was minor. She was angry that one person could treat someone this harshly without an ounce of guilt when they didn't even know them.

Once her crying was reduced to sniffles, she stood up and went to the door. She slowly opened it and poked her head around the corner to see if Y/N was there: she wasn't. She took this as her chance to escape her bedroom and go to the bathroom to wash her face.

When she was face to face with her reflection, she saw a girl with a red face and glassy eyes. There would have been mascara running down, but now that she had nowhere to go, she didn't bother with makeup. As much as she hated it, she missed wearing makeup and dressing up to go somewhere; instead, she was locked in this prison with the worst person in the world.

She twisted the tap open and put her hands under the water. She rinsed her face and eyes a few times and let the cooling water do its trick. She immediately felt better. Well, physically, anyway. She looked back up and saw that the redness was disappearing. It was better than nothing.

Just as she was wiping her face dry with the towel, she heard someone talking outside. Curiosity got the best of her, and she looked out the window, seeing that it was Y/N. She appeared to be talking to herself, Camila noticed. As she listened closely, she could make out what Y/N was saying.

"Stupid idiot."

At first, she thought that she was talking about her, and instantly felt anger burn inside of her all over again.

"She's going through the scariest thing ever, and you just have to be a jerk," Y/N continued whilst kicking the wall repeatedly.

Now Camila was confused. Was she genuinely sorry? Maybe it was worth hearing her side of the story...

She shook her head, hating the confusion and fatigue that was taking over her, and went back inside her bedroom where she lay down and fell asleep.


After Y/N had finished having a go at herself for being a "heartless idiot", she went back upstairs and decided to try again with Camila. She thought that maybe since she left her to cool down, she would be willing to hear her out. She knocked on the door gently and took a deep breath before speaking.

"Camila?" she said gently, not wanting to start an argument. "Please can I come in?"

No reply, once again.

Y/N sighed and sat down on the floor, next to Camila's bedroom door. She rubbed her face with her hands, and then checked the time on her wristwatch. It was about two in the afternoon, so they had just missed lunch. Y/N considered bringing food to her, knowing she would be hungry, but she knew too well that Camila wouldn't take food off her if she wouldn't even answer the door to hear her out. So she remained sitting there, waiting for her to come out.


After a few hours of well-deserved sleep, Camila woke up from her slumber. She yawned and checked the time. It was five o' clock. She felt her stomach rumble and decided to eat something, but as she got out of bed, the memory of the spout that Y/N and her had earlier flashed through her mind, and she rolled her eyes. She still didn't know whether to hear her out.

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