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Camila stood there awkwardly after Y/N bolted upstairs. She didn't expect her to be this "difficult", and wondered if she would be like this all the time. Maybe she was just having a bad day? It didn't give her the right to act like a complete jerk, though, especially when Camila was in this involuntarily. She didn't want to sound like she was searching for sympathy, but Camila didn't understand why Y/N was acting rude and uptight towards her with the situation she was in. Her life was in danger, for crying out loud.

"You can go upstairs and get settled in if you want," Derek finally spoke up, interrupting her thoughts. "It's the room at the end." He was just as surprised at his daughter's attitude as Camila was, and only hoped she wouldn't be like this for the duration of Camila's stay.

Seeing no other choice, Camila nodded and smiled thinly before lugging her suitcase and guitar case up the wooden staircase. It creaked under her footsteps and echoed into the quiet home. Well, as quiet as it could be with Y/N's music blasting through the speakers. As Camila walked down the hallway, she heard the loud music blaring from the closed door. Unfortunately, she noticed it was beside her bedroom, meaning Y/N was next door to her.

This isn't going to end well.

As she ignored the pounding beat that echoed in the hallway, she pushed open the already ajar door and noticed how spotless the spare room looked. She could tell that someone had freshly made the bed and knew it was Y/N; she considered knocking on the girl's door to thank her, but decided against it seeing as her attitude was probably still present. A sigh escaped her lips as she stepped inside and set her things down on the bed temporarily.

How long will I have to call this room 'home'?

After spending the next twenty minutes unpacking her clothes (which didn't take long due to her only having few clothes from the tour), she grabbed her laptop and placed it on her bed. She jumped on her new bed and sighed as she already felt homesick, missing the comfort of her own bedroom. Before she could open her laptop and turn it on, her phone vibrated and she noticed she had a text on the group chat.

From: The Five Musketeers
Dinah: Boston is pretty cool but I miss OC

Ally: my bodyguard has the cutest family ever! I don't think it will be that bad staying here

Lauren: same ally. But I do miss you all so much ugh

Normani: my family is okay I guess. I'm still warming up them all but they seem nice. It's good to know you're all safe though

Camila sighed and ran her hands through her knotty hair. She was extremely relieved to know her friends were okay and that their families were good to them, but she couldn't help but feel a sense of jealousy that they weren't stuck with someone like Y/N.

Dinah; Mila we see you peeking .-. how's your place?

Camila didn't respond right away, as she wanted to momentarily forget about it. Instead, she turned on her laptop and eventually pulled up her Twitter page, logging onto her user. Knowing she couldn't avoid her friends texts forever, she grabbed her phone and saw the latest text from Dinah staring her in the face.

Camila: my place is okay. Derek is nice. His daughter? Not so much :/

Not even seconds later did she receive responses.

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