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The next morning, Y/N woke up to a splitting headache. Unable to remember anything from the previous night, she dragged herself out of bed and was about to head to the bathroom to grab some painkillers, but she saw some beside her bed on the table, along with a water bottle. A note was attached and she grabbed it, reading it in her mind.

Derek has gone out but don't worry, I didn't tell him. Take these and they should help with the hangover.
– Camila

Y/N smiled at her thoughtfulness and took the painkillers. She didn't have to do that, but she chose to. And Y/N would have to be the biggest jerk in the world to not acknowledge that. Deciding that she should give it some time to kick in, she did her usual morning routine: having a shower, brushing her teeth, and peeing. Not necessarily in that order, though.

After she felt less disgusting from whatever had occurred the previous night, she went downstairs and was about to go into the living room, but instead heard noise coming from the kitchen. When she walked in, she saw the back of Camila's small figure, looking down at something on the other counter.

Camila heard someone enter the kitchen, so turned around and set a plate of pancakes on the island, in front of Y/N. "They are good for headaches."

She turned back around to continue fixing up her own pancakes, and Y/N was cautious to sit down at the counter. The air was tense and she felt nervous, though she didn't know what for.

"Um, thanks...," Y/N said quietly, looking down to the homemade chocolate chip pancakes on the plate. They looked delicious and she was confused to why the singer was treating her like this.

Camila brought her plate to the island and sat opposite Y/N, beginning to eat. Y/N, feeling awkward that she was the only one who wasn't eating, began to dig in and immediately ate more. Her taste buds were exploding with the heavenly flavours and she so badly wanted to say something about them, but she knew it wasn't the time.

"Um, what happened last night?" she asked carefully, because she truly couldn't remember a thing. Just glimpses of things such as a nightclub, dancing, and someone singing beautifully.

Camila looked up with a blank, neutral expression and said, "You got drunk just as I predicted. At midnight, I had to wake up just to make sure you were okay. You are aware of the difficulty one has to go through to deal with a drunk person, right?"

Y/N licked her lips and looked down, feeling the guilt eat away at her. She must have had a very hard time dealing with me, she thought. Especially since it was freakin' midnight.

"I'm really sorry," Y/N apologised sincerely, looking up to meet her harsh glare. And she honestly was.

Camila's facial expression softened, and she said, "It's fine. At least you're okay." She suspected that Y/N had done this on purpose, but judging from her obvious guilt, and the sincerity in her voice, she thought again.

The rest of the breakfast was eaten in silence. Camila tried not to focus on the situation at hand, which was quite contrary to Y/N, who thought about the way Camila had reacted.

She didn't tell my dad. She helped me out when she could have left me to fend for myself. She made me pancakes. She forgave me for being an inconsiderate jerk.

Y/N slowly came to the realisation that Camila's actions were out of pure generosity, and that made Y/N feel even more guilty because of the way she had treated her. Maybe it was time to be nice to her, too...

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