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"You're going to the police station again?" Camila asked Derek from her position on the couch.

He nodded and grabbed his suit jacket that was laying on the couch armrest. After pulling it on himself, he looked to his daughter who had just entered the living room with a chocolate bar in her hand.

"Chocolate? Really? At this time of day?" He raised an eyebrow, referring to the fact that it was ten in the morning and she was eating something sweet.

Y/N also raised an eyebrow. "I didn't know that there was a time schedule for when I could do things. Can you point it out to me? The part where it says: ten in the morning, no chocolate for Y/N? I would love to see it."

Camila giggled to herself at Y/N's sassy comeback and Y/N wouldn't admit it to herself, but she smiled at the sound of it. As she watched her dad, all whilst nibbling on the chocolate bar in her hand, she returned to her regular expression and waited for his response. He narrowed his eyes at her and ignored her rude remark.

"I'll be back–"

"Late, we know," Y/N butted in, nodding her head. "Don't kill each other or go to bed too late, got it."

Once again, Camila bit her lip to contain her laughter. She found it pretty amusing for Y/N to act like that towards her father. She assumed it was because of the annoyance that Y/N had for him, which Camila had noticed that she had over her time of staying there. She obviously knew nothing about the two's relationship, but she presumed it wasn't the strongest seeing as Y/N rarely listened to Derek.

"Are you going to be at work today?" Derek asked, clenching his jaw to contain his slight anger towards her. "Or basketball training?"

Y/N shook her head from side to side. "Nope. Neither of them. I'm babysitting for one of the neighbours."

This caught both Derek's and Camila's attention.

"Babysitting?" Derek repeated for confirmation. "As in, with children?"

Y/N nodded. "That's kind of the point."

"Since when did you babysit?" he asked her with confusion. "And how are you planning on doing that with Camila in the house? She can't be seen, Y/N, you know that."

"Hold your horses," Y/N said, taking a seat on one of the single seaters. "I've babysat for the past two years. Every so often, Mrs. Pearson down the street has sent her twins over here sometimes if she ever wants to have a night out with Mr. Pearson. And I'm planning on doing that with Camila in the house because the twins are only six years old and have no idea who the heck she is. I'm not stupid, dad, geez."

Derek pursed his lips. "Fine. What time will they be gone at?"

"Round four six," she informed him. "They'll be here at one-ish anyway. Don't worry, you'll probably still be at the police station when they are here. They won't be in your way."

Derek narrowed his eyes at his daughter. "Y/N, I don't go there to play, okay? I have things to do and I would appreciate it if you lost the attitude."

Y/N rolled her eyes. "Okay, sorry."

"I'll be back later," Derek said, mostly to Camila. "If you need anything, call me."

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