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After about three weeks of being insanely bored in the hospital, it was finally time for Y/N to leave. In those three weeks, the girls returned to their families, all aside from Camila, who stayed with Y/N, as promised. She had been non-stop visiting the older girl in hospital, and spending as much time with her doing anything and everything that was possible in a hospital.

Camila still felt responsible for Y/N's injury, no matter how much the older girl convinced her otherwise, so she wanted to help her pass time by being there with her. It was all worth it, though, because it meant that she could make the most of their time together before she left. She still didn't know what it would be like to say goodbye to her, and she didn't want to imagine it either. She owed so much to Y/N, and she still had very strong feelings for her... Leaving her would be one of the hardest things she would have to.

Meanwhile, Y/N loved Camila's presence and accompaniment. All the way from her supportive, caring nature to her childish yet hilarious humour, she never failed to put a smile on Y/N's face, and Y/N loved it. But then whenever Camila would leave for the day due to visiting hours being over, Y/N would be alone again. And she was reminded of the fact that sooner or later, Camila wouldn't be there anymore. She would have to leave to go back to L.A., and Y/N would miss her dearly...

"Come on!" Camila shouted with excitement, a grin spread across her face. "You're finally freeeeeeeee!"

Y/N watched the Latina run from the entrance of the hospital and to their parked car in the car park. She had been released not too long ago, and of course, Camila couldn't stop being grateful and happy about it.

"Well, I'm sorry I can't dance around like you," Y/N said, sarcasm dripping from her voice.

Camila stopped running and turned around, a bright pink blush spreading across her cheeks. "Oops, sorry. I forgot you were on crutches."

As she made her way back to Y/N, the older girl started to laugh at her reaction. It was true, though. Y/N was on crutches. Her hip was still in the process of healing, meaning she had to be careful with how much weight she put on it. So, the nurses offered either a wheelchair, or a pair of crutches, and of course Y/N chose crutches, despite them highly recommending a wheelchair. Any of her other injuries had visibly disappeared, and only ached from time to time, otherwise she was as good as new.

Camila stuck by Y/N's side, walking at a slow pace as for Y/N to keep up with her. As they headed to the car, Y/N stole a few glances at the singer beside her, who still had that wacky grin on her face as she looked ahead. The bruise on her head no longer looked as concerning, due to it having shrunk to a penny-sized purple dot. Y/N was glad of it. Her long hair was left out and framed her face perfectly, and Y/N found her looking stunning at that moment, with the sun shining down on her, making her hair look lighter and her eyes shining brighter. Y/N couldn't help but already miss her, despite her not being gone yet.

When they reached the car, which was actually Derek's car, Camila helped Y/N into the passenger seat before jumping into the driver's seat herself.

"And here it is folks," Y/N began, using a presenter's voice. "Y/F/N's' first car ride with the one and only, Camila Cabello. Will they make it home in one piece? The world may never know."

Camila laughed at her commentary and gently smacked her arm. "Hey! I'm a good driver. You just watch."

Y/N chuckled and motioned for her to do her thing, which basically meant putting the key in the ignition and making funny faces in the rear view mirror.

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