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The snow fell heavily outside, blanketing the Chicagoan suburbs and causing all the local residents to snuggle up in their warm homes, covered in blankets and drinking hot chocolates. This was exactly what Y/N and Camila were doing, however, the fact that the snow was falling and it was Christmas at the end of the month stuck out to Camila. She couldn't help but notice the lack of Christmas decorations in Y/N's home, and it made her feel weird because she always decorated when she was at home. And the fact that it was snowing only put her in the mood even more.

The only sound to be heard were the voices from the television, otherwise it was silent as the two girls were on the couch, focusing on the TV. Well, Camila was thinking to herself mostly.

"Can we put up some decorations?" she asked, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled. Y/N remained watching the TV, but listened as the singer continued. "It's Christmas soon and I feel all Christmas-y now."

Y/N shrugged, not averting her gaze from the screen. "I never usually decorate, so I don't have any decorations or anything."

Camila's jaw dropped at Y/N's revelation. How the older girl never decorated for Christmas was beyond her. That practically made up Christmas!

Y/N felt Camila's gaze, so turned her head away from the screen and to a shocked-looking Camila. "What?"

"Get up," Camila demanded. "You are buying everything right now."

"Camila, I'm not going–"

"Yes, you are."





After what felt like forever of the two bickering back and forth, Y/N learned to never argue with a Cuban. Especially a five-foot-one tall one that was as stubborn as could be when it came to Christmas. That's how you ended up at the shops.

Due to Camila's persistence, Y/N was practically thrown out of her house and not allowed back inside until she purchased a substantial amount of decorations, and of course, a Christmas tree. Y/N was currently in a yard full of Christmas trees, ranging in height and colour. All of them were freshly cut and the place was packed full of families searching for 'the perfect tree'.

Camila (obviously) didn't trust Y/N to buy the tree herself, so she insisted that Y/N would keep her on FaceTime and look around with her help.

"What about this one?" Y/N asked her, directing her phone at the six foot tree before her. It was approximately the seventh tree she had shown the Latina, and Camila was very indecisive, making this job harder than it had to be. 

Y/N watched Camila's face brighten up on the camera, a grin washing over her. "That's the one! That's it!"

Y/N laughed at her childish behaviour, finding it hilarious that she was jumping up and down on the couch. This earned some confused glances from nearby shoppers, seeing as in their point of view, a young woman was laughing to herself as she purchased a Christmas tree.

"Okay, this one it is," Y/N agreed.

After purchasing the tree, she had to go through the awkward yet tiring effort of dragging the tree home from the yard, as well as holding several bags of decorations. The fact that it was snowing and freezing cold outside didn't help, and the only thing that got her through was imagining the smile that would appear on Camila's face when she arrived home.

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