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The following two days were filled with bed rest from Y/N, and Camila playing 'Nurse'. No matter how many times Y/N tried to decline her help, the singer just wouldn't take no for an answer. And only when she said that "it's the last time I'll be able to do this, so please let me," did Y/N reluctantly agree to it. Darn those brown puppy-dog eyes.

As well as looking after Y/N, Camila managed to purchase something that wasn't her regular joggers and a tee shirt from her wardrobe, all for the trial they were going to have to appear at. She wasn't bothered to be attending at first, but when it came to the actual morning of having to get ready for it, the nerves crept in. So, she did what any other teenage girl would do in a situation like this.

She worried about her clothes.

"Y/N, tell me if I look okay," Camila called from her bedroom.

Y/N had been waiting in the hallway for the past twenty minutes because Camila was yet to come out and insisted that she didn't look okay. She had 'showcased' a good five outfits to the older girl, yet was still not satisfied, despite Y/N saying she looked fine in all of them.

"Cam, you've looked okay in all of them," Y/N said with a chuckle. "And the honest truth? You've looked beautiful in every..."

She stopped speaking when Camila walked out of her bedroom wearing a black and white dress that was just above her knee in length. A pair of simple black heels adorned her feet and her hair was left naturally out, but half tied up. Y/N thought that she looked amazing, as usual, and wondered if this was how the real Camila dressed when she wasn't stuck at home all the time.

"...thing," Y/N finished, trying not to let her eyes wander. "Wow."

"Does it look fine?" Camila wondered, glancing down at her outfit before biting her lip nervously and looking at Y/N again.

Y/N nodded immediately. "As I said before, Cam, you look beautiful in everything you wear. This is by far my favourite outfit you've tried on, though."

Camila smiled brightly, hoping Y/N wouldn't point out the blush on her cheeks, and said, "Thank you."

"So, is this what Camila Cabello wears when she's not stuck at home in her sweats all day?" Y/N asked, a teasing smile on her lips.

Camila rolled her eyes playfully. "If you are asking whether my sense of style is dresses and whatnot, then yes, you are right. And I never thought I would say this, but I actually missed wearing makeup and heels."

Y/N chuckled at her honesty, already heading for the staircase on her crutches. "Well, you look amazing, though I do still prefer no-makeup Camila."

Camila found herself going bright red as she mumbled a 'thank you', and followed the older girl down the stairs.

Time to go to court.


The trial went by so quickly for Camila and Y/N, both days. All that they had to do was give their statements, answer some questions, and then listen to the rest of the hearing. The only hard part was having to face the two criminals again, in Camila's opinion, but she found it much easier with Y/N by her side to reassure her. That's what majority of the trial was. Y/N reassuring Camila.

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