16 • RISKY

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Y/N was working her shift at Starbucks, and the day went by in a blur. It was the same-old same-old: make this coffee, wipe that table, collect that money. The only thing that got her through nowadays was knowing that when she returned, Camila would be waiting for her.

She was so used to returning home to an empty house, and as much as she made it out that she enjoyed being alone, she didn't. Nobody does. Being alone is scary because you're stuck with only yourself for company. At least with Camila at home, she felt as if she had somebody to speak to.

However, this feeling that she felt for Camila was starting to become more than she could control. As days went on and Christmas neared, her feelings grew for the singer, and she was falling more and more every day. The more they grew closer, the harder it was becoming for Y/N, because she knew that it wasn't right for her to like Camila. She was a "big, famous celebrity", and Y/N was no one. Camila would eventually leave soon, and when she did, who knew whether she would keep in contact with her? Y/N tried not to think about it, but it would always haunt her in the back of her mind.

This negative way of thinking tended to cloud Y/N's thoughts when she was working, which made her love finishing her shift that extra bit more. 

As she escaped the café, she pulled on her coat and began her usual route home. It began through town, and was pretty quiet at this time of the year because of the coldness. Anyone in their right mind would take the bus to get around, but Y/N was saving her money, so she settled on walking.

She passed an alley unknowingly, making a move to round the street corner, however, she felt two pairs of strong hands grab her and cover her mouth, stopping any escaped screams from being heard. She was out of sight from anyone who happened to pass by, and found that two large, bulky men were her problem. One of them had his hand on her mouth and was holding her in place, and the other one was watching her, subtly directing a gun her way. 

"Don't scream or I'll shoot," the man holding the gun threatened. His voice was deep and slightly muffled, due to the black balaclava covering his head, which not-so-coincidentally happened to match his black-coloured outfit.

Y/N nodded, eyes wide with fear. The man holding her released her mouth – to which she took a long gulp of fresh air – but kept a firm, strong hold on her arms.

"W-who are you?" Y/N feared asking, but she needed to know why she was about to die, right?

"I'll ask the questions," Mr. I-can't-hold-a-gun-straight snapped. "Now all you need to do is tell us everything you know and nothing bad will happen to you."

Y/N nodded slowly, waiting for him to ask what he wanted to.

"You've been living with someone new recently, haven't you, Y/N?"

Y/N felt her stomach drop as she realised what was happening. These men were here for Camila. They had found her. They were going to take her. How did they find out?

"I don't know what you're talking about," Y/N said, not a single stutter in her voice. She wasn't going to let Camila get in danger. She wasn't going to let her get hurt. "Now who the hell are you and how do you know my name?"

The bulky guy chortled sarcastically. "Oh, that's funny. But do you know what isn't? Liars." Before Y/N could register what was happening, she felt a sharp, stinging pain beneath her eye, and a warm liquid trickling down her cheek. "I don't like liars," the man sneered, "so tell me the truth."

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