Thank You

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It's been, what, 8 months since I last updated this? I don't know, but I do know that I never updated anything regarding where I was going with this story!

I'm very sorry, but I guess this is the "formal" announcement that I won't be pursuing a sequel, and unfortunately, I won't be writing an epilogue. It has been a while, so I'm hoping you would have all forgotten what this story is about to lessen the blow. If that's the case, hey??

I'm not continuing this for the sole reason that I'm not feeling this book anymore. I don't want to give you all some half-arsed attempt – you deserve better than that.

I love and appreciate you all so much and if you still even have this in your libraries, you're the (did I really just say that?). Thank you all SO much for reading, and if you're still with me and following my current works, you're actually the best.

I'm sorry, once again, but thank you. Okay, enough of me trying to sound professional when there's legit like five people reading this lol.

Byeeeee ❤️

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