14 • COLD

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"Cam, your sandwich is ready," Y/N announced as she headed into the living room. "It's turkey, just like you like."

She walked in to see Camila laughing along with her four best friends as if her life wasn't in danger and she wasn't being hunted down by assassins. Y/N smiled at the sight – it was all she wanted to see, after all.

"Thank you," Camila said, standing up and taking the plate from Y/N's hand. As she sat back down on the couch, Y/N was about leave, but she stopped her. "Um, Y/N?"

Y/N stopped walking and turned her head. "Yeah?"

"Do you want to stay here? You've never actually met the girls, so..."

Y/N smiled awkwardly. "Um, are you sure? I mean, I don't mind eating in the kitchen."

Camila shook her head confidently. "Please, eat here. It would make me really happy."

Y/N weighed the decision in her mind, and Camila saw the doubt in her eyes, so pulled out her number one weapon.

The puppy dog eyes.

"Stop it," Y/N said sternly. "Don't do that, okay?"

Camila pouted her bottom lip, too, knowing it would make the older girl crack. And, it did.

"Fine." Y/N groaned, earning laughter from Camila. "Just let me get my food from the kitchen."

"Yay!" Camila grinned and watched Y/N walk out of the room, before looking back to the four girls who had smirks on their faces. "What?"

"Oh, nothing, nothing," Normani said, waving her hand. "But you guys are pretty cute."

"You don't even know what she looks like," Camila said with narrowed eyes. "And don't say things like that because she's on her way back in, like right–"

"Okay, I'm here." Y/N walked in the living room and settled beside Camila on the couch. She looked at the screen and saw the girls. "Um, hi."

"Girls, this is Y/N," Camila introduced, causing Y/N to wave and smile at the camera. "Y/N, this is Lauren, Ally, Normani, and Dinah." She pointed to each of the corners of the screen as she introduced her friends, and Y/N made a mental note of who was who.

"Nice to meet you all," Y/N said with a nervous smile. "Camila talks about you guys a lot."

"We could say the same thing." Lauren smirked at the camera, earning laughter from the other girls.

"Ignore her." Camila laughed it off awkwardly before secretly glaring at Lauren, and Y/N was as confused as ever.

"So, Y/N," Ally began, smiling kindly, "tell us a bit about yourself."

"Like what?" Y/N asked after swallowing the bite she took out of her sandwich.

"Well, how old are you?" Dinah chimed in. "What do you do for a living? What's your favourite colour? Do you have a cat? Is there–"

"Okay, DJ, I think she gets it," Lauren interrupted her.

Y/N chuckled before answering, "I'm nineteen. I work at Starbucks temporarily but have a scholarship for basketball. My favourite colour is turquoise, and unfortunately, no. I do not have a cat."

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