21 • SAFE

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When Camila awoke the next morning, she found herself remembering the previous night's events and a heavy sigh escaped her lips. She didn't want to think about it however, so she shot out of bed and began her daily morning routine. Once she was ready, she began cleaning her bedroom and taking her suitcase downstairs so that Derek could take it into the car.

"You ready to be back in L.A.?" he asked her when he caught sight of her setting her suitcase down by the front door.

Camila forced a smile. "Yeah, I guess."

Derek smiled in return and already grabbed her suitcase. "Okay, Y/N's in the kitchen and she told me that she wants to tell you something? I'll go take care of this–" he motioned to the suitcase, "–and sort out the car."

Camila nodded and watched him leave, but she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she wondered what Y/N would need to tell her. After everything that had happened, she presumed that it would just leave them to have an awkward goodbye and that's it. Obviously not, though.

Camila headed to the kitchen where she found Y/N standing by the counter, her back facing her. Camila cleared her throat and Y/N turned around immediately, almost stumbling over her crutches.

"Um, Derek said you wanted to tell me something..." Camila trailed off awkwardly, her hands playing with the the hem of her shirt.

"Yeah, I needed to do something important," Y/N responded, her voice half-confident and half-nervous.

Camila looked up and cocked her head to the side, opening her mouth to speak, but before she could say anything, Y/N had moved forward in one swift movement and pressed her lips against hers. Camila was surprised from the sudden movement, but when she realised that Y/N was kissing her, she closed her eyes and allowed herself to be captured by the older girl's lips.

"I love you," Y/N said quietly once she pulled away from Camila's lips. "So much."

Camila opened her eyes and found Y/N smiling down at her. "I-I love you, too."

Y/N grinned and leaned down to connect her lips with Camila's again. As Camila leaned in, too, she found herself closing her eyes and getting into the kiss again. Unfortunately, when she next opened her eyes, she had to squint because of the bright light coming from the curtain.

Wait a minute...

Camila sat up instantly, and only when she realised that she was in her bedroom did she know that it was all a dream. Y/N never admitted her feelings for her. Everything was still awkward. Camila was still leaving.

Camila had a hard time falling asleep that night, (and only when she did, did she dream about Y/N kissing her back), as all that was on her mind was the rejection that she had faced. She repeated the moment in her mind over and over again, trying to think of how she could have stopped herself, but it didn't matter because it still happened. And there was nothing she could do to change that. The only thing that confused her was the fact that Y/N had kissed her back. If she didn't want them to happen, why would she do that?

This was similar to how Y/N did the exact same thing. Her body was exhausted and craved sleep, but her mind was wide awake. She knew that she had handled the situation horribly wrong, and all she could think about was how Camila was taking it. When that made her feel even worse, she came back to remembering the kiss itself. It was perfect. Absolutely perfect. The only thing that ruined it was when she pulled away.

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