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Few weeks had passed and both Y/N and Camila had grown closer. Whenever Y/N wasn't training or working, she went out of her way to ensure that Camila didn't have a day as boring as the previous, even if she couldn't take her out. Board games, books, movies – anything to entertain was purchased, and the two would enjoy each other's company, whether it be conversing or simply sitting in a comfortable silence as they did their own thing.

Y/N preferred being friends than enemies, and almost everyday questioned herself to why she bothered hurting the singer in the first place. If anything, she was a great person to talk to, and it left Y/N feeling anything but alone.

Camila also enjoyed their time together, too; in her opinion, Y/N was a fun, creative girl with a chill, well-respected personality. Basically, the complete opposite to what she was portraying herself to be initially.

However, not everything was fun and games.

Ever since Derek had informed Camila of 'the news', she hadn't been the same. Paranoia and fear was all that seemed to settle inside of her, and even discussing it with the other girls wasn't helping. She was scared, and she was afraid to admit it. She didn't want to tell Y/N because she was afraid that it would drive her away. Especially because they were having a great time.

What she didn't know however, was that Y/N had noticed a change in the brunette. She knew something was bothering her, and she so desperately wanted to know. But with the fact that their friendship was growing, she didn't want to pressure her into sharing something that obviously wasn't her business. She would wait till Camila was ready. That was fair, right?

One afternoon, Y/N returned from work with a smile on her face and an iced coffee in her hand. It had started to become a tradition where the older girl brought back some form of food or drink from work for Camila, seeing as she wasn't allowed to leave the house.

"Hey, Cam," she said cheerily when entering her room. She joined her on the edge of the bed and handed her the iced coffee. Despite the chilly weather outside, she knew that the Latina loved iced coffee.

"Thanks," Camila mumbled quietly, taking the drink but staring blankly into outer space.

Y/N noticed her momentary absence, so frowned, saying, "What's wrong? Is something bothering you?"

Camila snapped back to reality and looked at Y/N, noticing her concerned expression. "Hm, what?" Y/N raised an eyebrow and Camila took a guess to what she asked, replying, "Oh, uh, nothing."

Y/N sent her a knowing look, sensing her discomfort. "I know something is bothering you, Cam. I can tell." She paused, expecting some form of response from the singer, but there was no reply. She sighed and offered her a small smile. "I want you to know that I'm here for you, and I want to help you. But I can't do that if you don't let me."

Camila nodded slowly, and looked down, beginning to play with the tips of her brown locks. Y/N continued to watch her, hoping she would let her in.

Finally, she released a shaky breath and spoke. "It's just everything, I guess. Derek told me something a few weeks ago." Her eyes welled up with tears and she looked down so Y/N wouldn't notice, but she did. "T-they are here – in Chicago. They could come and find me anytime, Y/N. What if they do? What will they do? I'm scared."

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