18 • FOUR

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"Thanks for the help, doctor," Y/N said appreciatively, once Doctor Kirk had finished his lengthy explanation.

Once the doctor had explained everything wrong with Y/N, and what she would need in order to get better, Y/N informed both Camila and Derek of the fact that the two guys had come for her beforehand. Camila didn't take this well, and Y/N didn't take it well when Camila explained how they came into their house to take her. They had both suffered their own horrible experience, and were just grateful to make it out alive.

Doctor Kirk smiled. "No problem. Just remember to press the button if you need me."

Y/N nodded and watched him leave the room with Derek following shortly behind, probably to discuss paperwork and hospital bills.

"The girls should be here soon," Camila said once they had left, unable to keep the smile off her lips at the fact that everything was over and okay again. "I called them up not long ago."

Y/N seemed shocked. "The girls? They're here? In Chicago?"

Camila nodded and sat at the edge of Y/N's bed. "Yeah. They flew in during your surgery. They were worried."

"That's understandable," Y/N agreed. "I mean, you guys are practically sisters. I would want to know if you were okay, too."

"No," Camila said, looking down at her hand and intertwining her fingers in hers, taking Y/N by surprise. "They were worried for you. Just like I am."

Y/N couldn't look her in the eyes because she knew that she would see all the pain she went through, so she focused on the ceiling above instead. "Oh..."

"How are you feeling?"

Y/N found it hard to speak when Camila's warm hands were holding hers. She didn't know why. It wasn't like they hadn't been closer before. Maybe it was the fact that after everything they had been through, Camila would be leaving soon and Y/N would be alone again. Not even her father to keep her company.

"I'm okay," she said, trying to sound confident, but her voice faltered a little. "The painkillers are beginning to kick in now."

Camila nodded and squeezed her hand reassuringly, making Y/N finally look to her. She saw the relief flood through the Cuban's features, and the small smile that made its way onto her lips.

"How are you?" Y/N asked with concern, her eyes never leaving Camila's. "I mean, you were up for a while, presumably. You must be starving, too."

"I'm absolutely fine," Camila replied, eliciting a quiet laugh. "I had a pretty good nap before, as you already saw." Y/N chuckled at this and allowed her to continue. "I promise I'll eat afterwards. I'll shower and everything. Just, let me stay here for a while. Please."

Her smiled faded into a thin line, and Y/N saw that she was still scared for her wellbeing. She didn't understand why Camila would be so concerned, but she could tell it had greatly affected her.

"Okay," Y/N said quietly. "But, how is your head? Have you been seen to?"

Camila looked up, trying to see her forehead, earning a giggle from Y/N. "It's okay. It's just sore. I'll live, though."

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