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"Camila," Y/N whined for the millionth time. "Come ooooooon!"

Camila rolled her eyes playfully. "What could be so important, Y/N? First you force me to stay in my bedroom till two 'o clock, and now you're forcing me to come downstairs. Indecisive much?"

Y/N groaned, eliciting a laugh from the singer as she followed her down the stairs. Y/N practically bounded down the stairs, and Camila's smile never faded as she was dragged behind her.

"Dawg, how long could she possibly be?"

"She's probably watching a bunch of YouTube videos knowing Camz."

Camila's eyes widened when she recognised the faint voices heard coming from the living room. "I-is that Dinah and Lauren?"

Y/N grinned and said nothing, only tugged Camila into the living room. Once they stepped inside, Camila looked at the coffee table, noticing a laptop attached to the flat screen, both of them showing a five-way Skype call in progress.


Camila raced to the couch and once she appeared in the camera of the webcam, the girls yelled different things at once through the speaker.

"'Bout time, Walz!"

"I missed this."

"What took you so long?!"

"Took your time, Camz! Mani was starting to bug me."

At the final comment, which was said by Lauren, Normani's expression changed from excitement to annoyance.

"Are you kidding me, Lo?"

Lauren raised her hands. "I'm just stating the truth."

Normani narrowed her eyes at the lens. "Girl, you are so lucky that I ain't there to whoop your–"

"Y/N!" Camila looked to the older girl with a grin. "What...? Why...?"

Y/N smiled. "I got the details of the girls' Skype names from my dad. That's why I needed you to stay upstairs. Your friends were taking a while to answer."

Camila laughed and couldn't stop smiling at the thought of seeing the girls all at once. Obviously they had skyped before, but they hadn't done it in a while because of certain precautions and timezone issues. "Wow. Thank you so much, Y/N. But why? You didn't have to."

Y/N waved her off dismissively, already heading to the living room door. "It was nothing, Cam. And I did it because I knew you missed them and I couldn't exactly bring them here, so I did the next best thing. But never mind that. I'll leave you all to talk and whatnot. If you need anything, just let me know."

Camila nodded and before Y/N could leave, the Cuban raced up to her and embraced her in a tight hug, taking her by surprise.

"Thank you," Camila whispered in her shoulder, making Y/N smile.

Y/N knew that Camila had been missing the girls for a long time now, and with that, the news, and the nightmares, she just wanted to cheer the singer up. So, she did some things and voila! She managed to set up a five-way call with the other members of Fifth Harmony, with her dad's help, of course. It was hard at first, because of the slight time difference between their locations, and the fact that she needed her dad to put the girls on because they wouldn't have known who Y/N was. And not all the girls would pick up, so it took some time. But eventually, she managed it. And she was planning on letting the Latina talk to her friends whilst she returned to the kitchen to cook up an extra special dinner that she was making from scratch. Anything to get Camila's mind off things.

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