Chapter Two

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Hannah's P.O.V.

"I want my food!" I yelled waiting and waiting for Kay to get dressed for Pizza Hut. "We are going to Pizza Hut not a some club! What is taking so long?" I groaned walking to the couch putting my face in the pillows that were messed up. I was officially out of patience. "Meet me there since you are taking hours to get ready!" I said walking out to my prized red punch buggie. I got in my car and drove to Pizza Hut.

"Hello," I said to the lady who seemed a bit to cheery.

"Hi, go ahead and pick your table and I'll be with you shortly." She said walking in the direction of the five boys.

"Hannah!" Stripes shouted out, spotting me and running over to me. He picked me up and spun me around as he held me close. He was way too much energy for a twenty year-old.

"Where's Kay?" Niall said looking behind Stripes.

"Oh, she was taking forever so she's driving herself." I said. Within four minutes Kay walked in while plucking snow out her hair and Niall runs over to her saying incoherent words from the distance I was at. My question is why did this guy dressed in stripes act the way he did when I arrived? We barely knew each other it only had been about an hour that I had met him.

Louis' P.O.V.

We arrived before the girls did. "Can we go inside and wait? It's freezing out here." Liam asked shivering lightly, for March it was quite cold. When we went inside, Eleanor Calder stood behind a podium looking bored as ever...until we made eye contact. She cheated on me a while back, I was on tour at the time and I dump her over the phone, even though she said that she would get me back at any means necessary. And it was absolutely perfect  that she was our waitress. "Hello, I'll be your waitress tonight, you may choose any booth that is available. " She said in a cheerful tone.

The boys nodded not even recognizing her. Why did she dye her hair such an awful color? Her hair was a beautiful Brown and now its an ugly strawberry blond, guess she didn't use enough bleach. We picked a spot in the near back, so I could watch the door. I stared at the front door waiting for Kay and Hannah to walk in. Just as the boys started to talk about what to do the rest of the night-more like morning if you ask me, but Hannah walked in alone. Alone?

"Hannah!" I yelled running towards her picking her up and spinning her. She looked a bit uncomfortable and shocked. I don't think she's completely happy with hanging out with us. 

"Where's Kay?" Niall asked from behind me.

"Oh, she was taking for ever! So she will be driving herself." Hannah replied. With in four minutes Kay walked in with snow in her hair. Niall ran over to her while me and Hannah were ordering the food.

"So you're a vegetarian, so no meat right?" I asked.

"Well most of the time...I'm technically not a vegetarian but I consider using it if I don't know the person and do want meat because I eat chicken, a lot. I prefer cheese pizza though, meat makes it extra greasy and nasty anyways." Hannah said. The boys gasped pretty loud. "Get over it." she said confidently and rolled her eyes at their exprssions.

We got a cheese, a pepperoni, and two combinations pizzas. Hannah and I decided that we were share the cheese pizza. Kay, Niall, and Liam are sharing the combinations. Zayn and Harry are sharing the pepperoni. We all had our little small talk and I found out that Hannah and Kay are single. I'm devolping a bit of a crush on Hannah but she'll never like me. According to Kay that she was into us a little bit but some Directioner went full on fan girl in front of her and ruined it for her, says that Hannah hasn't liked us since. But no one said that she couldn't devolpe a crush on me. Niall and Kay already like each other.

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