Chapter 14

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Chapter 14- EDITED

Cherokee Rose : S2 E4

Part : 1


I woke up with a yawn that morning. I was still next to Carl so I got up and went to the bathroom. After I was done with my business, I went back to Carl's room.

"Fever's gone down." I heard from the door. Hershel.

"That's good." I muttered as I entered the room to see Lori and Rick were there this time, too.

"Mhm." Came a soft voice from Carl as he shuffled.

"Baby." Lori said hovering over him. I went to my spot too but didn't lay down this time.

Rick started hovering over me and Carl, "Carl?"

Carl opened his blue (like super blue) eyes and blinked a couple times.

"Sophia?" Was the first thing he asked, which hurt me. For two reasons.

1) she wasn't found
2) that was the FIRST thing he asked. Really?

"Is she okay?" He asked. He still hadn't looked at me once, which hurt me even more.

"Fine. She's fine." Rick lied. I looked up at him with a look that said, liar liar pants on fire.

"Rest." Lori told her son. "We'll be right here, okay?"

"Okay." He said and closed his eyes.

He hadn't looked at me once.

I got up and went out the door, bumping into T-Dog on the way.

"Sorry." I muttered.

"They're here." He told me and nodded. "It's okay."

"How's your arm?" I asked as we exited the room.

"Better. A lot better."

"How is he?" Dale asked.

"He'll pull through," Lori nodded. "Thanks to Hershel and his people."

"Well, he wouldn't have gotten shot in the first place if it weren't for them." I said under my breath, happy that no one heard.

"And Shane." Rick added. "We'd have lost Carl if it weren't for him."

"What the hell are you wearing?!" I laughed at Shane, quite amused at the baggy farmer clothes.

"They were, uh, Otis'."

"Oh. Um, sorry."


Dale smiled and hugged Rick, Carol hugged Lori, adding a 'thank god' and no one hugged me. [#loner4ever]

"How'd it happen?" Dale asked.

"Hunting accident. That's all. Just a stupid accident."


I wouldn't have joined Otis' funeral if it weren't for the respect I had for Hershel, Maggie and Beth. Maybe Patricia.

Also, why did Shane shave his hair? It's weird. I don't like it this way.

I put a rock like everyone did, and backed up.

"Blessed by god. Father of our lord Jesus Christ. Praised be to him, for the gift of our brother Otis," This time, Jimmy went up and put a rock. Jimmy being Beth's boyfriend. "For his span of years, for his abundance of character; Otis, who gave his life to save a child's, now, more than ever, our most precious asset. We thank you, God, for the peace he enjoys in your embrace. He died as he lived, in grace. Shane, will you speak for Otis?"

Shane looked around blankly. "I'm not good at it. I'm sorry."

"You were the last one with him. You shared his final moments. Please. I need to hear." Patricia cried. "I need to know his death had meaning."

"Okay." Shane whispered. "We were about done. Almost out of ammo. We were down to pistols by then. I was limping. It was bad. Ankle all swollen up. 'We've got to save the boy.' See that's what he said. He gave me his backpack he shoved me ahead. 'Run.' He said. 'I'll take the rear. I'll cover you.' And when I looked back... If not for Otis, I wouldn't have made it out alive. And that goes for Carl too. It was Otis... He saved us both. If any death had meaning, it was his." He said and put a rock as well.

This story is different from yesterday's?

Patricia sadly nodded.

I looked toward our little camp, that was under the trees that I cried under when Carl first got shot. It was little, but it was enough. This place looked as if it hadn't been touched.

- [Fun Fact: i haven't been copying these scripts from the internet, Im actually watching the episodes all over again.]

"How long has this little girl been missing?"

"This'll be day three." Rick informed the kind old man.

"County Survey Map." Maggie said laying a map on the hood of the car. "Shows terrain and elevations."

"This is perfect!" I smiled. "We can finally get this thing organized!"

"Hey, why are you here?" Shane asked grabbing my arm.

"I'm helping search for Sophia."

"No, you aren't."

"Your not my dad! My dad is gone! My mom is gone! You have no authority over me!" I screamed as I shoved him, having a little explosion. "Sophia is my best friend, and I don't want to lose her." I muttered as I put my head low. I would've cried but I was out of tears. "I don't want to lose anyone else."

"You are not going anywhere after Carl." Rick said. I nodded and ran home not looking back.

Everything was true.

Everyone was gone.

(UNDER HEAVY EDITING) lost cause ⋙ Carl GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now