Chapter 16

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Chapter 16- EDITED

Cherokee Rose : S2 E4

Part : 3

[I KNOW I SAID I WOULDN'T UPDATE THIS WEEK BUT IDC. Only updating because of WalkerComics so yeah]


"This is the worst idea ever." I muttered to Maggie.

"Have I mentioned that I really liked your new hair cut?" Glenn asked Shane, trying to escape his situation. "You have a nice shaped head."

"Don't worry bout it, bud. We're gonna get you out of here in one piece." Shane said tying the last knot.

"Living piece. That living part is important." Glenn stated. I chuckled, but frowned at the thought of him not coming out. "Nice and slow, please."

"We got you." Andrea assured. No we don't.

"Oh, you people are crazy." Maggie said.

As everyone got into place Shane called me over to stay at the very front. "You want to get it out of your well or not?" Shane asked.

"Give us an eye here, Maggie." Dale said getting into place as well.

Maggie watched as Glenn lowered himself in the well. "Doing okay?" She asked after about 10 seconds.

"Yup, doing great! Living the dream."

I snorted. How feminine of me.

We lowered Glenn a teeny bit more but he urged us on, "Little lower, little more!"

The piece of metal we had the rope around flew out of its place and I heard Glenn's screams.

"Get it! Get it!" I heard Lori scream. "Grab it!" Dale yelled.

As Shane let go, to grab the metal, all the weight was on me and I screamed as I fell off the edge of the well.

Someone was all that was holding Glenn and I felt my hand going...slippery. I was sliding and rock from the edge of the well, fell on my head. "Ow!" I screamed.

As they were all trying to pull Glenn, my left hand slipped off. But the edge, hated me so much that it cut my hand. I hissed and tried to put my hand back. My other hand was slipping too.

"GET ME OUT OF HERE! GET ME OUT OF HERE!" I heard Glenn cry. He probably didn't realize me still. The walker was now grabbing onto his leg. "Get it off! Get off! Get off! Get me out!" He said, legit crying. I was starting to get teary eyed too, due to the pain and the situation I was also in. "Get me out! Come on you guys, get me out!"

I could here splashing and I knew that Glenn was now in the water.

I screamed bloody murder as both my hands slipped. They were both bloody now, and I painted the rocks crimson as I slid down.

I put my right hand on a rock of the walls of the well and looked down. I was nearly in the water too.

"Oh god! Oh god!" Glenn cried. "Oh my god!"

"GET US OUT OF HERE!!" I screamed still trying to keep my balance.

I couldn't hear anything from both my and Glenn's cries. Glenn started to go up, slowly but surely. I put both legs against the rocky wall as well, and hugged the wall. Glenn had to get out and that was not possible with me here. I hugged the wall as I felt Glenn's leg rub my back. I was still shaky and I felt something else grab my foot. It was the walker.


I looked up and saw Glenn pull himself out and drag his body out.

I kicked the walkers face and arm and it let me go. I put my other hand on another rock above. I had to climb out, because no one could reach me down here.

"MA-MAGGIE! SHAAAANE!" I yelled trying my best to stay calm.

"Haley!" I heard Maggie yell and look down the ledge as well.

She reached her hand out for me but of course it didn't reach. "Tell everyone to stay strong, okay?!"

"What? What the hell are you talking about?! We're gonna get you out!"

"Tell Carl to watch everything around him! To be more careful! Shane to be a better liar!" I screamed.

That thing was pulling me down as I saw someone holding onto Maggie and Andrea, as Maggie was almost holding my hand. I reached out and grabbed her hand.

"Pull!" She yelled and I felt myself being lifted.

We were now up and I held onto the metal bars at the top and pulled myself out.

I panted as I laid on the grass. "That was too fucking close."

"Language!" Shane snapped.

I just chuckled as I showed him the middle finger.

(UNDER HEAVY EDITING) lost cause ⋙ Carl GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now