3: Football Tryouts

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Chapter Three

"Night of the comet. Would you like a program?" Bonnie asked, handing out some flyers. I was with her and my twin. We were across the street from the Grill, spreading the word about tonight's celebration here at the town square. "He didn't call, huh?" Bonnie asked Elena, getting back to the subject, Stefan as usual.

"Or text. Then I realized we never even exchanged that stuff. We never even got to the texting part," Elena sighed.

"That's an important milestone in any relationship."

"Isn't it? The timing was wrong anyway."

"When is it ever right?"

"I'm not ready, Bonnie."

"Who is?" Bonnie asked.

"At least I put myself out there," Elena retorted as we all stopped walking now.

"Is that what you're calling it?"

"What do you mean?"

"All I'm hearing is reasons why you can't," Bonnie quipped. Elena frowned and nodded. We all turned around, over this whole passing out programs.


"Hey, I got you a candle," Caroline smiled, handing me a candle. The celebration began. It was dark out, there was a large crowd, twinkly lights surrounded us, and all my friends were here right now.

I nodded in thanks and Caroline then handed Elena one. My twin took it and stepped away from us all. Caroline locked mine and Bonnie's arms with hers, tugging us away to a bench where Tyler sat at alone because Matt was walking towards Elena. "Hey, Bon. Hi, Kenz," Tyler greeted us both.

"Hey, Ty," Bonnie smiled.

I merely waved and he smiled. "Still not speaking?" He frowned and I shook my head. To be honest I didn't even know if I could speak anymore. I nearly forgot what I sounded like. It was different than Elena's voice, another difference between us. My voice was a bit more high pitched, softer.

Matt joined us and gave me a side hug, kissing my cheek like always. Matt was like a big brother. It was nice. "God, look at the comet," Tyler sighed. I looked up at the comet, a little ways from the white looking crescent moon.

I pulled out my phone, typing a message. "It's beautiful, but I'm cold and hungry," I showed it to Tyler who laughed.

"Uh, well, take Matt's jacket. He's hot apparently," Tyler replied. He grabbed the jacket on the otherside of him and handed it to me. I met Matt's blue eyes and he sent me a nod. I slipped on the large thing and sighed in content. We all sat around, the four of them chatting while I listened, resting my head on Caroline's shoulder.

Eventually Elena joined us and I showed her my message. "Let's all go inside and get food then," Elena suggested. Everyone agreed and we all took the walk across the street to the Grill. When we got there we gathered around a table and ordered food.

We were all done and everyone was having a good time before Jeremy came over, "has anyone seen Vicki?"

"You're her stalker. You tell us," Tyler retorted. Yeah, it was true. Something, not sure what, was going on between Jeremy and Vicki, and I didn't like it.

"I can't find her."

"She probably found someone to party with. Sorry, pull pusher, you've been replaced."

"'Pill pusher'?" Elena questioned.

"Ask him," Tyler nodded at my brother.

"You wanna do this right now?" Jeremy asked angrily.

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