19: First Date

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Chapter Nineteen

I was standing in front of my mirror, looking myself over nervously. It was seven on the dot and I knew Stefan would be here any minute. I was so scared, it was my first date. Caroline along with Jeremy were the only people I told about the date. They were both sitting on my bed waiting for me to come out the bathroom.

I was wearing my white and peach dress, feeling self conscious. It was lovely but what if it was too short or not fancy enough. I had on nude heels to match that gave me a few inches so I could at least reach Stefan without stepping on my tip toes. Caroline had did my hair and make up. My hair was in small spiral curls, my make up was nude basically. I looked great but on the inside I was going stir crazy.

Snapping me out of my thoughts, was the sound of the doorbell. Oh, my God. I rushed out the bathroom, shocked he was here already! I knew he was picking me up but I didn't know what to do if Elena saw us or even Jenna. "Go answer it," I ordered Jeremy.

He looked surprised for a moment before leaving the room and running down the stairs. I looked at Caroline who grinned at me. "You look beautiful," she smiled. "Now come on, I want pictures of you both."

I blushed and rolled my eyes, grabbing her hand. "Stefan, it's nice to see you again," Jenna chuckled from downstairs. Oh, god. I could feel my heart race faster and my hands get sweaty. I squeezed Caroline's hand as we walked down the stairs, me nearly tripping due to my nerves.

"Hey, Jenna. Just here to pick up Kenzie," Stefan replied.

"Oh. Kenzie?!" Jenna shouted.

"No need, I'm right here," I said as made it to the bottom of the steps. Three pair of eyes moved to Caroline and myself. Jeremy, Jenna, and Stefan were all looking at me, making me chew on my bottom lip.

"Wow. Kenzie, you look amazing!" Jenna gasped, moving over to hug me. "Wait a minute. Why are you so dressed up? And...Stefan? What's going on?"

"I'm taking her out on a date," Stefan said slowly, smiling at me. I blushed under his intense gaze that was locked merely on my face. "It's just dinner," he added.

"A date?" Jenna gasped. "I need pictures now. Wait-no. Kenzie, can I speak to you in the kitchen real quick?"

"Aunt Jenna. Let her go. She can explain later. Let her enjoy her first date. Don't ruin it for her," Jeremy butted in and I smiled gratefully at him.

"Um, Kenz," Stefan called. He pulled out something from behind his back and I gasped. He had a large bouquet of pink and white roses. He held them out to me and I took them quickly and excitedly.

"Aw!" Caroline squealed from next to me. "Get together you two. I want pictures."

"Yes, me too," Jenna said.

"Me three," Jeremy raised his hand and I giggled. Stefan moved over and wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me into his side. I hid my face in his neck while Caroline snapped the first picture of us. I was shy and smiling too hard right now. My flowers were squeezed to my chest as I hugged them dearly.

"Babe," Stefan whispered, nudging me. I reluctantly pulled away, no longer taking in the smell of his cologne. I turned to face Caroline and Jenna properly as they got pictures of us smiling nicely.

"What's going on?" We heard from a bit far away. I cringed and made a move to step away from Stefan but he held me to him tightly. Elena stood at the top of the stairs, frowning at us all. Either in confusion or she was genuinely upset already.

"Um... Stefan's here to take Kenzie out to a nice dinner," Jenna said.

"You're going out to dinner together?" Elena asked.

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