13: Lots Of Pictures

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~Kinda a #Stenzie chapter. Hope it's not boring or too "fluffy" but let me know 🙈🙈 P.S note at bottom too.

Chapter Thirteen

Stefan and I moved into Elena's room. He had brought a box over and I didn't notice it until he picked it up from off my desk when we were leaving my room. Now we all sat on Elena's bed as she explained she hit someone with the truck, destroying it of course. The truck had flipped over and she was stuck. The person she hit had got up and was stalking over to her then disappeared and Damon was there to rescue her. Then he made her go along with him to Georgia, heaven only knows why. "Stefan, who was that man in the road?" Elena asked. How was he supposed to know? He wasn't even there.

"I don't know. Do you remember anything else about him?" He asked.

"I wish. I never really saw his face. He was wearing a hoodie. All I can remember is that there was these black boots coming towards me."

"I brought some vervain for, um, you and Jenna. And, um, I made this bracelet for Jeremy. A few extra ones for friends," Stefan said. He moved and grabbed the box next to me and I watched Elena sit up on the bed, the only person who was laying down to begin with. "You can put it in jewelry, or you can even put it in food or drink but as long as it's in you or on you, a vampire cannot control you."

"Wow, so much to remember," she said. "You need one, Kenz."

I shook my head, pointing to my bracelet. She frowned and looked at Stefan. "Oh, you gave her one already then," she looked hurt and I winced. She was upset when she thought he gave me a bracelet, what happens when I say he's been giving me all his kisses?

"No. She got them from Damon. This morning," Stefan corrected.

"Oh, Damon," she smirked at me and I blushed. Don't bring it up, Elena. I beg of you. She knew I said I was sort of into Damon a while ago. But things change. Even his hotness and weirdly sweetness wasn't going to steal me away from Stefan. I felt so much more for him that it was unhealthy to be honest.

"But there's another vampire in town," Stefan went back to the subject. "So until we find out who it is and what he wants, we have to be careful." Elena and I both nodded.

"I'm going to go though," Stefan said and we nodded again. We all moved off the bed and we both walked him to the door. His eye caught mine and I shrugged nonchalantly. Guess I wasn't kissing him goodbye. "Um, yeah, bye."

"Bye, Stefan," Elena replied before he walked out the door. Elena sighed and shut the door behind him, looking at me with a pout. "He's acting like we didn't kiss an hour ago," she scoffed.

I shot her a fake, sympathetic smile. I quickly walked away, deciding to hang out with Jeremy instead. He insisted on spending the day sketching so we did in the dining room table, all day. Stefan and I texting about nothing back and forward through the day, trying to get to know each other.

It was eight o'clock at night and there was a subject change. He wanted to know what I was doing so I mentioned I was sketching with Jeremy and he got excited. He just texted me asking what I was drawing and said he wanted to see it when it was done. And that's where the conversation froze. My phone in my hand as my eyes stared at his text. Two minutes had already passed as I thought of how I should respond. Like did I really have to answer his question? Something tells me he won't be thrilled with what I was sketching.

"It looks so good, Kenz," Jeremy smiled at me and I nodded in thanks, smiling back. I stared at my bracelet that was in front of my piece of paper. It was honestly Jeremy's idea. When he saw it he told me to draw it, saying it was pretty. And I had sat previously for half an hour thinking of things to draw but couldn't truly pick one.

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