10: Emily Bennett

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Chapter Ten

Things were so out of hand now. I was scared to death. Caroline and Bonnie made up. Then the blonde decided we have a seance. We did. In the dark with only candles in Elena's bedroom. Bonnie called out to Emily and the candles lit higher. It was weird. Then wind started blowing. Bonnie claimed it was the air conditioning.

Flames lit higher again, catching us all off guard. Then the window burst open and we all freaked. I didn't make a sound though but everything was scaring me now. Bonnie was creeped out too and she took off the necklace. It landed next to the candles, I saw it. Then the flames went out and I rushed to flip on the lights.

The necklace was now missing and here we all are, searching the room for it. The thing was nowhere in sight. "Okay, fun is over, Caroline," Elena said. "You made a point and I get it. Now give it back."

"What? Well, I didn't take it," Caroline denied. I swore I saw a shadow in the hallway. I stared for a moment but didn't see anything. "What? What happened? What did you two see?"

"I don't know. Nothing. Jeremy, are you home?" Elena said going to the doorway of the room. I followed after her just to be safe. I didn't think Jeremy was here.

"Um... guys?" Bonnie mumbled. I stopped and looked over to see her heading to the bathroom. I walked over and saw the necklace on the floor. I sighed in relief, we found it. Bonnie went inside and picked it up and as she took a step to leave the door slammed close in front of my face. I gasped and heard Bonnie scream, "Oh, my God!"

Elena was at my side in an instant. Caroline came over too and we all banged on it. I tried turning the door knob but it was locked. "You guys, open the door!" Bonnie yelled.

"Bonnie? Bonnie," Elena said, banging all over the door.

"Bonnie! What's going on?" Caroline cried.

"Bonnie!" Elena shouted.

"What's happening?" Caroline asked.

"Try the other door!" Elena told her. She then looked at me. "I'll check the hallway."

"Okay," Caroline muttered. She walked off while Caroline and I still tried at the door.

"Bonnie? Unlock the door," Caroline called again.

"Please!" Bonnie yelled, she sounded like she was crying.

"Bonnie!" I could hear Elena's scream from outside the room. "Bonnie. Bonnie?" Elena called and the lights began to flicker. I paused for a second and looked at Caroline.

"Open the door!" Caroline grunted. Elena was back and we all kept banging. My hand still gripping the door knob trying to get it to open.

I heard Bonnie scream once more, "Ahh!" A second later the lights were all on and the door opened revealing Bonnie in the middle of the bathroom, hiding her face in her hands. "What happened? Are you okay?" Elena asked her, taking a step closer to the bathroom.

She took a moment before standing up straight. She had this weird look on her face I couldn't comprehend. "I'm fine," she said strangely.

"Unbelievable. You were totally faking it," Caroline scoffed.

"Caroline, come on," Elena sighed.

"No, you scared the hell out of me," Caroline snapped at Bonnie. I stared at Bonnie curiously. She looked... off. Caroline turned and walked away.

"Bonnie?" Elena called as she seemed to daze off, looking at nothing in particular.

"I'm fine. Everything's fine," she told me and I narrowed my eyes. Why is she talking like that? She doesn't talk like that. She took weird baby steps towards Elena and I. We moved and let her out of the bathroom. I went and grabbed my notebook. I had this weird feeling.

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