12: Helping Bonnie

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Chapter Twelve

I stirred a bit feeling warm lips against my collar bone. The kisses were inching upwards and a smile broke out onto my face. "Wake up," Stefan whispered. Oh, fuck. I could seriously wake up to this every single day for the rest of my life.

I reluctantly opened my eyes to face reality. But I really wanted to see that handsome face and those green eyes. "Well, hello beautiful," he smiled. I bit my lip watching as he kissed higher and higher. He began nibbling on chin and my head slowly tilted back. "Are you gonna say anything?"

I shook my head no. He finally brought those sexy lips to mine. I wrapped my hands around his neck, kissing him back. He pulled away too soon though. "You have school," he said and I raised an eyebrow, pointing at him. "Oh, I dropped out."

I gasped and frowned. He kissed me on my nose before climbing off of me. "Get up, Kenzie," he said and I rolled my eyes. I sat up and climbed out of his bed. I gasped at the breeze, realizing I had on no pants just Stefan's shirt. This was so weird. I'm not very experienced so it's not everyday I wake up at a hot guy's house, in his shirt, and spent the night before getting kissed senseless by him. "I tried calling Elena, she still won't answer."

Oh, yeah. I grabbed my phone, dialing her number and putting the call on speaker before handing it to Stefan to speak. I know I broke my silence last night, but it was worth it. I got the guy, but now I wanted to preserve my heavenly voice. I tossed myself back on the bed, snuggling in the sheets to keep me warm. "Elena's phone," surprisingly it was Damon's voice that came through answering the phone.

"Where is she? Why do you have her phone?" Stefan asked. "Is she okay?"

"Elena? No, she's right here. And, yes, she's fine."

"Where are you? Let me speak to her."

"It's Stefan. He wants to talk to you," we could hear Damon say, sounded further away.

"Mm-mm," came a small, distant noise. Elena.

"Yeah, I--You know, I don't think she really wants to talk to you right now."

"Damon, I swear to God, if you touch her-" Stefan tried to speak.

"You have a good day. Mm-hm. Bye, now," Damon hung up and a giggle slipped from my lips. Damon was so darn funny. Stefan looked over me, raising an eyebrow. He walked over and crawled onto bed until he reached me, hovering over my body.

"What's so funny?" He asked, biting his lower lip. Damn, he was so sexy when he wanted to be. This better be only for me. At least from here on out. "Huh?"

I shook my head in a way to say, 'nothing.' He nodded slowly with a smirk. "Uh-huh. So believable. Not like you let out a giggle or anything," he said sarcastically. I smiled and wrapped my hands around his neck. "No kisses for you. Not until you apologize."

I rolled my eyes, leaning in anyways. He moved back so I couldn't reach him and I pouted. He smirked and got back off the bed. That little tease. I sighed, getting up and grabbing all my clothes. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"School," I mouthed as an explanation and he frowned.

"You're really not going to speak?" He asked and I shrugged. He simply sent me a nod and walked over to his closet. I walked into the bathroom, slipping back into my clothes from yesterday. After we were both ready he walked me home.

When we got there, I had to knock. Thankfully it was early so Jeremy was still here and was able to open the door for us. "Hey, Kenz. Stefan," Jeremy greeted as we walked through the door. "Where's Elena?"

I bit my lip, looking at Stefan to answer. "We don't know. She stopped by and then just kind of left when we left her alone for a minute. She took their truck without a word, leaving Kenzie with me," Stefan explained and I nodded in agreement. It was all true.

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