7: Not A Happy Halloween

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Chapter Seven

Elena and I were sitting on the porch. It was late and we were waiting for Stefan. He said he had found Vicki and he was coming over. I soon spotted him climbing up the stairs and I ran over, noticing a stain on his shirt, it was blood. "You're bleeding," Elena said, standing up fromt he porch swing but not coming close.

I move to grab the bottom of his shirt, tugging it up with a struggle because it was button up. Stefan's hand quickly grabbed both of mine in his, just holding them to stop me. "No, it's okay, it's. I'm okay," he whispered, staring at down at me. I nodded, feeling a little bit reassured.

Elena came over to join us and Stefan dropped one of my hands to grab one of hers. "I couldn't stop her," he said, looking stressed. "I tried."

"What does that mean?" Elena frowned.

"She fed. And then I lost her," he stated.

"Oh, my God," Elena uttered as I let out a small gasp. This was bad. Another vampire around? Really? Just really? And it was Vicki Donovan of all people. Out of everyone in this town?

"I'll take care of it," he promised us as Elena ulled away and looked away from him. "I'll find her and I will show her she can live like I do. I'll make sure that she does not hurt anybody, Elena. I promise you."

"What do I tell my brother and Matt?" She asked.

"We'll come up with a story."

"You mean we'll come up with a lie."

"I'm so sorry," he whispered, dropping my hand and looking at her intensely.

"I gave you today just like you asked. And I understand that you would never do anything to hurt me and I promise I will keep your secret..." she trailed off and I backed away from the both. Literally, she had to do this while I was still standing here. "But I can't be with you, Stefan. I'm sorry. I just can't."

I didn't get far away, quick enough. I saw the heartbroken look on his face and it made me want to cry. It looked like she just kicked a puppy. She backed away from him and walked inside, shutting the door quickly. Way to leave me! I looked at him and gulped. I walked over to him and he shook his head at me. I sighed and grabbed his arm anyway and pulled him in for a hug and his head rested on my shoulder, nuzzling into my neck as he let out a small sob.

I winced and held him tighter. We both stumbled to the ground slowly as I tried to get us to sit on the steps. We did and he let me hold him while he silently shook in my arms. Oh, God. I couldn't leave the poor boy like this. I raked my hands through his hair, trying to soothe him while my other arm was around him and that hand rubbed his back. I just wanted him to stop crying. Like, my heart was going to implode.


I was getting ready for school when Jeremy came into my room. I froze, standing in nothing but a pair of grey skinny jeans, black vans, and my bra. "Put some clothes on," Jeremy complained and I rolled my eyes.

I grabbed my burgundy shirt and pulled it over my head. I wasn't bothered by Jeremy. As long as I wasn't naked and nothing was showing I was good. I grew up with the boy he's seen me in a bikini so undergarments weren't that much different. "Well, you're up early for school," I scribbled down on the whiteboard that hung on the back of my door.

Jeremy looked at it and chuckled. "You sound like you're twin. And you and I both know I'm not up early for school," he said.

I wrote again. "Yeah, I figured so where are you going?"

"Search party for Vicki," he said and I sighed.

"Cool," I wrote again. I knew where Vicki was. She was with the Salvatores like she needed to be. Stefan was keeping watch over her. Speaking of that. Maybe I'll go and pay her and Stefan a visit. I'll see if Elena wants to come.

Kenzie Gilbert: The Mute Twin (1)Where stories live. Discover now