14: The 50s Decade Dance

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Chapter Fourteen

"Why me? What does he want with me?" Elena asked Stefan. We were at the Salvatore boarding house. While Stefan and I were being cute and talking about pictures, Elena went shopping. On her way to the car she got a call from the guy she hit the other day apparently and he mentioned she wouldn't get away next time. He also mentioned that he saw she had a sister, me, and I shouldn't be left alone. She had noticed a figure walking towards her and she got in the car quickly and drove home. "And if he's trying to kill me, then why call first?"

"It's because we're predators, Elena. We hunt. We stalk," Stefan answered. He was standing while I was on the couch, laying and Elena was in the armchair. It was early in the day and she dragged me here to tell me along with Stefan. "It's often as exciting as the kill."

He sat on the ottoman infront of Elena and held out something. "I want you to take this," he said and she took it.

"This is Jeremy's pocket watch. How did you get it?" She asked and I frowned, staring at the watch in her hands.

"I took it from Damon who took it from Logan who must have taken it from you," he answered. Ugh, Logan.

"What happened to it?"

"Well, it's not just a watch. It's a sort of compass, but it points to vampires," he said, taking it back. He opened it and placed it in her hands. I heard ticking and I figured the compass thing was moving.

"Why did our father have it?" Elena asked. I guess Stefan proved it worked.

"The Gilberts were one of the founding families, and back in 1864 they were among those who sought to eradicate the vampires. The compass was used to find us," he explained, turning a bit to face me too.

"Did you know them?"

"Yes," he said, nodding. "I want you to keep this. That way, you'll know if you're ever in danger. Either of you. I'm not taking that threat lightly against Kenzie."

She nodded and then looked at me. "We should go. There's a dance tonight. We gotta get ready early," Elena said.

"I know, I'm going," Stefan stated.

"Oh," she frowned in confusion.

"Kenzie, asked me to come," he shrugged and she slowly nodded.

"Well, I guess I'll see you later then," she said.

"Yeah," he agreed. She stood up and I did the same. Stefan walked us to the door and I frowned. Again with the no kissing goodbye because Elena's here. "I'll meet you at yours?" He asked and I nodded. "Bye guys."

"Bye," Elena muttered and walked off. I quickly leaned in and he bent down, kissing my lips for a second. I grinned and waved, running off after her. We both got in the car and she drove us home.


"Spoke to the insurance company. Car is totaled. You can keep using mine for now," Jenna said as Elena and I walked in the door, Elena putting down the keys. We had went out to eat a few minutes ago and now it was time to get ready after we spent the whole day watching TV.

We both turned to see Jenna in the living room. She was all dressed up. "So you're coming to the dance?" Elena asked.

"Alartic asked me to help chaperone," she answered and I smiled. Her little thing with my teacher was cute. He seemed nice enough too. Elena turned back around and grabbed an apple. I rolled my eyes ready to head upstairs but Elena's voice stopped me.

"Why didn't you tell us, Jenna?" Elena asked, facing our aunt.

"Your mom was gonna do it eventually. I never thought I'd have to," Jenna answered.

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