15: Journal Duty

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Chapter Fifteen

Damon was dancing with some blonde girl and one hand at a time landed on her ass. He then moved them back up, one arm wrapping around her waist and his other grabbing her hand. He stretched their arms up and out and walked them in the same direction their hands pointed. He was a mess! "You really can't take him anywhere, can you?" Elena chuckled after we all witnessed that 'dancing.'

"Uh, no," Stefan answered. We were all standing to the side. Stefan was in between us as usual. I frowned as I noticed something. There was a guy far back wearing a hoodie. I swear he was staring right at me. My hand reached out and landed on Stefan's thigh as I discreetly tried to get his attention.

He looked at me and lowered his head. "The back corner," I whispered in his ear. His head shot up and he looked around quickly spotting the guy who turned and was making a dash for the exit.

"Get Damon," he told us before rushing off after the guy. Elena grabbed my arm and tugged me with her as we went searching for Damon. Elena's phone started ringing and she stopped to answer it. She frantically began looking around and I stared at her curiously. She then turned facing some back door.

"No," she said into the phone. Then she turned again. I looked over and saw Jeremy, still serving punch. He had to do it, it was some punishment. My eyes landed on a figure on the phone. The pizza guy! This was our vampire. Wait, phone. Elena! I looked over at her. "Don't you dare touch him."

She began backing up and then turned away running. I frowned and looked back at Jeremy. The guy was gone. I decided to chase her since Jeremy was now safe. I made it to the back doors and looked around the hallway. I was panting as I got down the hall. I heard a loud noise and ran faster.

I turned into the cafeteria and found them. Elena stabbed him with a pencil as she was backed against the wall and he was in her face. She then stabbed his hand next with another pencil. I ran over as one last pencil was shoved into his neck. He fell to the ground and I ran past him to my sister. "Kenz," she breathed.

I ignored it and went after the thing I saw. I grabbed out a mop from the little cleaning thing. I bent it over my knee and struggled but it broke, not neccessarily in half though. I moved in front of Elena, pushing her back as the guy was now back on his feet. As he moved in I went to stab him in the stomach but he caught it. I froze as he yanked it out my hand and tossed it over his shoulder.

I was grabbed my shoulders and his face change. He leaned in quickly towards my neck. I heard Elena scream loudly and suddenly he was pulled off me. Elena quickly grabbed me as we watched Stefan toss the guy across the room. Stefan turned to look at us, worriedly.

"Hey, dickhead," came a voice. I looked over to see Damon holding the stake end of the mop the murderous vampire snatched from me. "Nobody wants to kill you. We just wanna talk."

The pizza guy who was frozen ran, jumping over a table coming straight towards me. In a flash Damon through the stake to Stefan who jumped in front of us and shoved the stake into the guy's stomach. The boy bent over groaning loudly, falling to his knees. I pulled away from Elena and stood up properly. "Now you feel like talking?" Stefan asked him.

"Screw you," the boy spat. Angrily, Stefan moved and grabbed the end of the mop sticking out of the boy and shoved it in further. Nameless boy groaned again.

"Wrong answer," Stefan hissed, still holding the stick in one hand, his other on the boy's shoulder. Oh, okay. Sexy Stefan was here. He meant business. It was weird seeing him be all agressive but still hot. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because it's fun."

Stefan pulled the stake out and shoved it back in roughly. Ouch. I winced at that. "What do you want with the twins?" Stefan asked.

Kenzie Gilbert: The Mute Twin (1)Where stories live. Discover now