22: Miss Mystic Court

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Chapter Twenty-Two

I was shocked to see Stefan hop out of a red Porsche infront of me. I hadn't seen him over the weekend since the kickoff party. It was now Monday so I was at school. "Nice car," I commented, checking him out.

"Well, it was a waste to leave it sitting in the garage," he said, taking his sunglasses off. He stepped close to me and his hands cupped my neck. He leaned down, pecking my lips.

"I didn't know you were coming back today," I smiled at him. It was his first back in forever. On our date over a week ago he said he was coming back then took a week to revcover from blood and this weekend, so I guess that was enough time.

"You know, I woke up this morning and I was feeling great and I figured it was time for me to get back into things."

"Does that mean you're okay now? With all the cravings?" I asked him cautiously, grabbing one of his hands and bringing it to my lips. I sent him a cheeky smile and he smiled back at me in amusement.

"Yeah, I mean the worst part is over," Stefan told me. "So now all I wanna do is just spend as much time with you as possible."

"I'm okay with that," I smirked. I kissed him softly, holding both of his hands now.

"Hey, thank you," he said and I frowned in confusion, my eyebrows furrowing. "For helping me get through the rough patch."

"You're welcome," I told him sincerely. We stared into each other's eyes for a moment before I let out a small sigh, this moment needed to end because, "We're gonna be late."

"Okay. You know what? I'll catch up. I'm gonna grab my stuff. I'll be right behind you."

"Okay," I agreed, smiling at him. He went to turn around but I yanked him back to me, kissing him hard on the lips. "I really did miss you this weekend."

"Mm. I'll make it up to you. Let's go out tonight, huh?"

"Tonight? A date?" I smiled.

"Mmhmm. Nothing too fancy. Maybe dinner at the Grill, we can head to the Falls, something simple," he shrugged and I grinned.

"Sounds romantic. Now hurry," I said, kissing his cheek. I then turned around, heading into school while he grabbed everything he needed to get. Another date with him? I was very excited. I walked to my locker, finding Caroline there waiting.

"Hey, blondie," she smiled.

"Hey," I grinned.

"So Miss Mystic Falls is coming up. We're both in it. I'm going dress shopping today, wanna come?" She grinned.

"Ugh, you know I don't want to do that. I forgot my mom forced me to sign up," I groaned.

"Yeah, but it'll be fun, I promise. Plus, Stefan can be your escort," she winked and I bit my lip thinking that over. I admit if it meant showing off Stefan and having him twirl me around on the dancefloor while we both got all dressed up. It sounded amazing. Everything with him did to be honest.

"Mmm. Sounds perfect. Now I gotta ask him. Forgot that damn thing was even happening, Elena is in it too. I'm so pissed with her. She told Jeremy we were adopted without me, she kept something about Stefan needing help away from me when Damon tried to tell me. I'm so sick of her. She even was massaging his shoulders in front of me. SHe so wants him back then the other night she said he was mine or something and left us alone. Yet she's still ignoring me. I've done nothing wrong," I complained.

"Hey, calm down. You won. Stefan is with you. You're happy. That's what matters. Elena needs to be happy for you like you were for her when she had Stefan, even if you did want him at the time. Now tell me now, dress shopping tonight?" She asked.

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