11: Career Planning

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~I don't think you guys are ready for this chapter. Nope. Not at all 😉 but it's got me excited so here it is 😁😁 Feel free to comment, cause I know you'll want to.

Chapter 11

I was at the career planning thing at the school. It was night time and I was bored already so I was walking with Jeremy. He was holding my hand tightly so I wouldn't use it to scratch at my wrist. I just so badly want to pick at them. They're so irritated right now. We moved over to the art section like Jeremy wanted and spotted Tyler flipping through a book full of sketches.

I guess he noticed us too because he looked up. His gaze fell upon Jeremy and he opened his mouth, "what do you want?"

"Hey, uh, just surprised to see you here," Jeremy said walking over to him. "Art usually implies culture and culture implies... Well, not you."

"Go to hell," Tyler said and walked off. I looked at Jeremy and shook my head at him in disappointment.

"What?" He smirked. I pointed down at the book to show Tyler's sketch. He was really good at it. Jeremy and Tyler are the only people who could ever get me to draw. I'd draw but never alone so when they did, I did. It was weird. I was okay at it. It definitely did pass the time. I only ever showed my work to them though. Oh, and my mom. "Well, then."

I nodded at him and he looked up, searching for Tyler but he was long gone. I patted Jeremy on the arm and then walked off. I came with Elena, Jeremy, and Jenna. I wanted to find the other two. "Hey," a voice called.

I looked over already knowing it was Stefan. I came face to face with that gorgeous smile. I could feel my knees tremble. Whoa. Get ahold of yourself. He smiles all the time. Not at me or that wide. I sent him a wave letting him catch up to me. He handed me a pen. I grinned. It was cute and had a red feather at the top.

I looked up at him and sent him a smile and a nod as a thank you. "You're welcome," he smiled back. We walked off in silence and then found Elena. She spotted us and decided to join us of course.

"I'm guessing you're not here to plan the path for your future," she said. He merely looked down, avoiding her gaze as we all stood in the corner. He leaned against a locker, her against the wall and me against nothing, gravity maybe, let's just say oxygen. Yup, O2. "You're looking out for me--us," she corrected, getting me out of my lame and weird thoughts.

"I hope that's okay," he said, looking at her as she stood in front of him. Elena didn't really react. She just turned and slowly walked away. I rolled my eyes and we both followed after her of course. We stood next to her as she stared at the table. "You know, I wanted to be a doctor before everything happened," he chuckled. "But, uh, then I couldn't because-"

"The blood?" She asked. She was being her bitchy self. Round of applause. That's my twin.

"Yeah," he said. "I've dabbled in a bunch of different things though."

"Didn't love anything enough to stick to it?" She asked and I rolled my eyes. I doubt that was the reason he did different things. He's stuck in a 17 year old body. And he just seems like the person who would try something and loved it a lot. He seemed like a passionate person.

"No, I loved it all. I just--I had to move on before anybody could notice that I wans't getting any older," he answered. I knew it. God, I knew him so well. We were meant to be. Oh, stop it. Yeah, I was a bit eccentric.

"How long before that would happen?"

"A few years, usually," he said. "Sometimes shorter."

"And you always left?" Obviously. What else was he gonna do, kill or compel everyone who lived in the same place as him?

Kenzie Gilbert: The Mute Twin (1)Where stories live. Discover now