16: To His Grave

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~For starters, sorry about this chapter. Trying to explain everyone's feelings in this chapter. And letting you all know more about Kenzie (being depressed, insecure, self-loathing, etc.) It's not the best chapter but... here it is. Thought since it wasn't that good I'd give you 2 updates in one day ;)

Please give tons of feedback. Comment & ask questions if need be and I will get back to you, I promise. Gonna work on the next chapter in the morning (my time lol. It's 10pm now).

If this gets to 12 likes & 4 comments, I promise to get the next chapter done by tomorrow instead of working on half of this and half of my Klaus fanfic (which if you aren't reading or haven't checked out, you should 😆😂😂 -- called Taming The Hybrid) && I'm done ranting...

Chapter Sixteen

I glared at Damon as he chopped up vegetables in my kitchen. He came over looking for Stefan and when I told him he wasn't here but he should be back soon, he invited himself over for dinner, insisting he'd cook for our family. "My father nerver approved of anyone I dated. Which only made me want them more, of course. What about you?" Damon asked Aunt Jenna.

"There were a few guys," she said from her spot on the top of a kitchen counter. She sat there sipping on red wine and being charmed by Damon. "Logan isn't the only loser I've dated."

"They ever find him? Is he still missing?" Damon questioned and I narrowed my eyes. I was not in a good mood. When Stefan left I was forced to hear Elena rant about how Stefan and her were meant to be. She kept saying that he trust her enough to let her in on the 'helping' Damon thing so to her it meant he obviously wanted her and loved her back but he was trying to keep his distance to keep her safe. I wanted to shoot myself listening to her.

"He's not missing. He's in the Bahamas working on his tan. Very entitled, that one," she smiled. "Marches to his own drum. He's a Fell. They're all snooty."

Damon chuckled and walked over filling Jenna's glass back up. He smirked at her and she did the same back, their eyes locked. Gag me. "Hello, Elena," Damon greeted, his back turned. I looked behind me and saw Elena entering the kitchen.

"Hey. Where have you been?" Jenna asked. "We're cooking dinner."

"Stefan with you?" Damon asked before smirking at me. I clenched my jaw, he's been getting on my nerves since he got here. He hounded me about what Stefan and I found. Then when I didn't have much to tell him he decided to antagonize me about Elena and Stefan's past relationship. Reminding me that they still love each other, that they looked good together, that there was a reason Stefan got with her and not me to begin with. Then he decided to ask if I ever felt like her reaplacement, if he's ever called me the wrong name, if he's taken me on a proper date, and if he said I love you. He knew the answer to the last two were no but still it helped me feel more insecure like he wanted for whatever reason.

"Um, he'll be here soon," Elena said and I frowned. I haven't talked to him all day. I tried calling him a few times an hour ago when Damon first got here but I got no answer. Has she talked to him recently?

I sighed and decided to leave the room. I trudged into the living room plopping down on the couch next to Jeremy. I so badly wanted to tell him everything. Vampires, Vicki, me and Stefan, Katherine, being adopted, and how I wasnted to strangled Elena and Damon. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked.

"Stefan," I mouthed.

"You really like him don't you?" He whispered and I nodded. I wanted to tell him that I had a thing going on with Stefan but I know Stefan didn't want anyone to find out. I bit my lip, deciding I needed to tell him. I grabbed his hand and tugged on it. He frowned, putting his game controller down.

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