23: A Vervain Dart

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Chapter Twenty-Three

Elena and I both were summoned by Damon after the pageant which Caroline won. When I reached Damon he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me out the room with Elena following after us. "What is it? Did you find him?" I asked Damon.

He held me by my wrist and moved his head closer to speak quietly, "There were signs of a struggle in the bathroom. There was blood. And that Amber girl is missing."

"Oh, my God," I breathed. "No, he wouldn't hurt her. He won't."

"Let's just find him, okay?" He asked. Let's get your coats. Come on." He led me by my arm to get ym coat and that's what we did. Elena and I grabbed our coats and rushed outside with Damon. We didn't get too far before I spotted someone in the woods to the right of us.

It was dark out but I could make out the figure and hear a small scream. "Stefan!" I yelled as I ran as fast I could. Damon and Elena joined me, Damon pulling me back as Stefan stood in front of us, blood all over his face and Amber on the ground.

"Come on. Get control. Come on," Damon pleaded. He inched closer to Stefan who was in shock and looked in pain. "It's okay. Come on. Breathe through it, man."

Damon practically reached him when Stefan snapped and flung Damon away. Both of them letting out two different grunts. I gasped in shock as Damon flew threw the air. Damon quickly was on his feet a second after landing. "Stefan, stop it," Elena cried.

Stefan was inching closer to Damon. He then beagn groaning in pain randomly, holding his held as he folded over himself. I moved in quickly, worried. I looked back to see it was Bonnie, but I couldn't focus on that right now.

I reached him quick and wrapped an arm around him and moved my face close so he was forced to look at me. Blood was pouring out of his mouth and was all his hands and chin and suit. God, he was a mess. "Baby," I whispered as Bonnie I think stopped it.

He seemed to snap out of it and looked at me in shock. "I'm right here, Stefan," I whispered in his ear. He moved closer to snuggle me and looked around. His eyes landed on Elena and Bonnie's scared one. Then he took in Damon's defensive stance.

"It's okay," Damon told him. "Stefan."

He inched closer and Stefan began pulling away from me. "No," I pouted, grabbing his wrist. I yanked him to me as he looked utterly scared to death that it hurt me. "I'm with you, always. We're in this together."

He shook his head and I cupped his blood chin in my hands. "Trust me, baby," I whispered, leaning in and kissing his non bloody cheek then his nose. I lowered my lips to suck on his top one that wasn't as messy. He was frozen. I pulled back to see him still looking panicked. "I promise you, it's okay."

His arms wrapped around me tightly and suddenly I was lifted off the ground. We then disappeared from the woods. I could hear Elena, Bonnie, and Damon scream in protest. He didn't put me down until he reached the car. He practically shoved me in the passenger seat and my eyes widened. It was gonna be okay. Stefan was on edge and things were getting bad but I was gonna help him. I had to.

Stefan got in the car and drove off in a rush. I was nearly scared with how fast he was driving, but sighed in relief as we reached his house. He hopped out the car without a word. I followed after him into the house. We went to his bedroom and I grabbed his arm as he began pacing. "You're fine. We're fine, baby. I'm not mad or upset," I assured him.

"I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry," he said, hugging me tightly. I led him into the bathroom and grabbed a washcloth. I ran it under the water and sat him down on the top of the covered toilet seat.

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