6: Vampire 101

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Chapter Six

I made it to the front door and before I could knock it pulled open revealing Stefan who looked panicked. I froze, startled and stared at him for a moment. Oh, God. What do I do? I pulled out my notebook, stepping away from him to place it down on the railing thing nearby so I could write properly.

Stefan moved close and waited for me. I looked back at him when I was done and he leaned forward, reading what I wrote, "What are you?"

Stefan stepped away a bit and stared at me for a few seconds. We stood side by side in silence for a few seconds. He nodded to himself and I gulped. "You know," he stated.

I shooked my head furiously, no. I just didn't want it to be true. I didn't understand how it was possible. He needed to say it. "Yes, you do, or you wouldn't be here," he told me and I bit my lip harshly.

"It's not possible. It can't be," I wrote down. He leaned over again and smiled sadly at me.

"Everything you know and every belief that you have is about to change. Are you ready for that?" He asked me. He placed something he was holding down but I was locked on his green eyes, waiting for him to continued speaking as I gave a slight nod. "I'm a vampire."

He stood right next to me, only a few inches between us as he had moved close to peer over at my notebook. I could feel my heart pound harder in my chest as my hands trembled. I put down the pen I was holding and brought my hand up to cup the side of his face, feeling his smooth cheek. Wow. I shook my head slightly and opened my mouth to speak, but I couldn't even try to get words out, even if I wanted to. "Does Elena know?" He asked.

I slowly nodded, I think she does. I'm not sure. Either way I was gonna tell her. I couldn't think about that right now. I had a vampire standing in front of me. This handsome boy, right here was a vampire. I truly couldn't believe it. Something then dawned on me as I lightly brushed my fingertips over the skin under his eye. "You really wanna see?" He frowned and I nodded my head.

Slowly I could see little veins pop up and his eyes looked a bit red. I smiled softly and traced over his veins before I caught sight of his lips. They were parted and his teeth were extended a bit, showing fangs. Surprisingly, I didn't dwell on that. All I could look at were his soft lips. I trailed my hand down, weakly but pulled away before began toughing his lips. That would make him uncomfortable. I stepped away from him and grabbed my pen again.

Stefan leaned over, now sort of behind me for some reason so he peered over my shoulder. I bit my lip waiting for him to read the word, "beautiful."

"Thank you," he whispered. I could feel those lips brush against my ear. A shiver went down my spine, making me tense up. I was really out of control right now. This was my sister's boyfriend. My twin's boyfriend.

We stood like that, his chest practically pressed to my back. If I turned around I knew how close we would be so I didn't dare move. And he seemed to be out of it as he stared down at my sloppy handwriting. He eventually stepped away from me and I let out a huge breath, blushing as I realized he heard that. "Can I come over? I think I need to speak to your sister," he said a second later.

I nodded and closed my notebook. Stefan grabbed my pen before I could and grabbed my hand. I frowned at him as he began to write on the inside of my palm. They were numbers. I smiled as I realized he was giving me his phone number. "Text me sometime. I'd really like to talk to you more," he said.

I fought back a blush and sent him a small nod. He handed me my pen before shutting his front door. We then walked to the car in silence and I gave him a ride back to my place. I let him inside and we headed upstairs. He went to Elena's while I went next door to my bedroom. I pulled off my hoodie and stepped out of my shoes before tossing myself on my huge bed.

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